nonmigratory). Therefore, identification of these factors needs to be taken into consideration in making decisions to improve the effectiveness of the intended program. It was recommended among others that the identified policy initiatives should be integrated into university agricultural education and extension institutions and properly implemented. Higher correlation coefficient (0.79) between OC and EC but lower OC/EC ratio (1.81 ± 0.18) at ULG (TC: 0.48; 3.51 ± 0.60) revealed the dominant role of primary sources in Lagos. This helps to lay a fitting foundation and thus puts the case discussion within Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited, The impact of corruption is multifaceted. ... Amidst these issues, the bottom line remains that environmental resources are to be used on a sustainable basis hence, the need for renewed policy actions on national resource use. The inability to identify, formulate, prepare and execute projects continues to be a major obstacle to increasing the flow of capital into the poorest societies. which have led to unpredictable planting seasons and has also contributed to floods and expansion of erosion in local communities. To compare chemical characteristics and sources of PM2.5 in these two regions, organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), water soluble ions (WSIs), and elements were analyzed for the first time. Information was collected using a questionnaire and descriptively presented as frequency and percentages. decentralization policy came from, who formulated/transferred these policies and written by Matt Andrews Governments—and other public policy organizations—undertake many different tasks, implementing a diverse set of policies and projects. In fact, the questions related to policy failure discussed by the World Bank are not unique to the developing world or to Africa. The study found out that lack of strategic planning poses a problem to the educational development. Works by. Causes of government project failure in developing countries – Focus on Ghana general public. Against this backdrop, the study revealed that massive infrastructural development through Aviation Roadmap has developed the airports in many areas. The analysed data has shown that political will and insufficient facilities are the factors hindering the effectiveness of the management of the education policy implementation in Nigerian rural schooling contexts. However, the level of knowledge on COVID 19 among our respondents was not linked with phone internet connectivity. This paper attempts to fill this gap in literature by examining these public policy questions and establishing a panacea for them. These concerns have usually centered on why supposedly well-crafted policies often fail to be adopted, and when they are, why they fail to achieve their desired objectives, as well as on why certain bad policies persist although acknowledged by policy leaders as such. The research also reviews the role of government in Nsukka communities’ It is a machinery of executing policies and programs. As a result, communities do not take ownership of the interventions during implementation, ... Once a business is registered in Nigeria, it is expected to pay tax. description of the contexts in which public policy making is pursued in developing All the study schools conducted DRR classes and designated a disaster assembly point. This paper presents the outcomes of data analysis of experts' perceptions on the critical challenges to effective statutory adjudication implementation. In this study, we explored challenges to implementing malaria policies in Malawi from the perspective of key stakeholders in the country. Abstract. This discrepancy leads to a conflict between the two tiers and negative attitudes among second-tier employees. Methods: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study among rural market vendors (n = 248) in southwestern Uganda. The analysis was in two stages; stage one involved descriptive statistics while stage two involved inferential statistics. An initial pilot study was undertaken to ascertain the hazards and disasters affecting communities in different states in South-East Nigeria. Furthermore, the study finds that both managers and end users think a “radical change” rather than a “gradual change” is needed in the MCOTI in Nigeria. Other findings from the research show that local people have limited understanding on the concept of climate change. This also needs to be supported by reforms and governance arrangements to address policy gaps and implementation in the field such as strengthening and optimizing protection, agroforestry and ecotourism partnerships, zoning integration, improving communication for targeted groups in terms of implementation effectiveness of SSH management policies. We found that apart from one municipal policy and the Kenya Vision 2030 documents respectively, which underscore the importance of including women and young people in waste management, 16 other policy documents reviewed are generally silent on women and children issues. This article analyzes the reasons states experience such difficulties. The findings of the study may be used to influence policy formulation and implementation; theory on IK; and practices which mainstream IK in socioeconomic activities in Kenya and beyond. Unfortunately, corruption makes these. Findings revealed that remoteness and the lack of climate change-related institutional support increase vulnerability among fishing communities in the region. The following contribution begins with an introduction of the case, The Gambia, and The study aimed to assess the role of information sources, education level, and phone internet connectivity in influencing COVID-19 knowledge among the rural market vendors; and the relationship existing between knowledge, attitude, and practices among them. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) samples were collected simultaneously at urban sites in Lagos (ULG site) and in Hong Kong (TC site) for four consecutive weeks in July and August 2017, in order to investigate the potential to apply successful pollution control measures from Hong Kong to Lagos. The study investigates strategic planning in public sector in Nigeria with reference to education sector. Bivariate analysis was used to assess variation between the period I (1999–2008) and period II (2009–2017). Third, when conflict is high and ambiguity low, implementation takes a political form, with power as the prime determinant of successful implementation. However, to further toughen its determination in implementing the federal government national development plan in the country. Likewise, the failure of educational policy in developing countries is largely attributed to the issues of poor implementation; for example Singh and Rajakutty (1998) report the failure of a mass literacy programme in India, which was seriously affected due to improper Thus, this article investigates the role of strategic change management (SCM) on the Nigerian Maritime Crude Oil Transportation Industry (MCOTI) within the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Key informant interviews were conducted among 52 policy implementers from the Disaster Management Committee (DMC), the education, and fire service sectors at national, provincial, district and school levels. Three themes emerged: policy content and dissemination, factors which affect policy implementation, and impacts of policy implementation facilitating factors include effective coordination and ownership among the national DMC members for scaling up disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities, and strong support from the central government. I therefore demand that well thought out policies be made for apt utilisation of the resources under a strict monitoring body, making the process of implementation of those policies exclusive of corruption and biasness. The questionnaire was designed based on modified Likert scale and was validated by experts in Social Studies education and test and measurement and its reliability coefficient index stood at 0.75. This study explored the gender perspective of pre-service Social Studies teachers on challenges towards Nigeria's drive to attain Agenda 2063. In this qualitative study, we conducted in-depth interviews with 27 key informants from April to July 2015. The rest of the discussions focuses on drawing evidence The paper observes that there are inconsistencies in development policy formulation and implementation amongst the different organs and levels of government in Nigeria. Interested in research on Developing Countries? The preceding discussion underscores both policy and implementation gaps, which need to be filled, if policies will potentially engender SWM practices that will be relevant and effective in protecting the health of the most vulnerable in urban Africa. Still, the aligned motivations presented, pushed the This can include the need to clarify terminology found in global framework agreements such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (Aitsi-Selmi, Blanchard and Murray, 2016), the extent to which global aims can be translated into realisable goals at the local level (Tierney, 2013, p.xvi) and the design of resilience-based projects . Sea salt source was significant at both harbor cities. The four main scenarios are … First structural challenges include inadequate resources, unavailability of trained staff, poor supervision and mentorship of staff, and personnel turnover in government. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. The forms of power exercised by actors in key administrative interfaces were greatly influenced by organizational context and perceived weak leadership and their practices of power hindered policy implementation. The paper attempted to identify and proffer possible solutions to the various problems facing developing nations as regards implementation of policies. Barriers include unclear provisions in the national legislation, unclear mandates especially on leading the program, poor monitoring system, insufficient human resources, and lack of public-private partnerships. Absence of adequate resources will result in implementation failure because it means that laws will not be enforced, services will not be provided and reasonable regulations will not be developed. All the study schools conducted fire prevention activities. Stationary trajectories record near-total bypass of sediment across the shelf and mass transfer to the basin floor. From a calorie perspective, there was not a significant difference between the food allowed and food not allowed. Government should also mobilize local funds through local public-private sector arrangements. Background: Market vendors occupy a strategic position in the fight against the spread of SARS CoV-2 in rural Uganda. Ascending trajectories are associated with a relatively large number and thickness of shoreline tongues (parasequences), the absence of laterally extensive erosional surfaces on the shelf, and relatively low sediment supply to the basin floor. In that sense, the research explores two particular cases in Mexico to shed light into what happened, why and what can be learned from these particular implementation processes. Hazards information shared through credible channels between local communities and governments at all levels creates a platform for effective disaster management policies from a bottom-up Content analyses were employed to analyze data via documentary approach. Data was collected through primary and secondary methods where the primary method involved personal observation and experience and the secondary method involved published and unpublished written materials. Rather, the translation of good policies into good outputs and eventual outcomes has been the bane of the public policy process in the country. Indigenous knowledge (IK) is the anchor of survival and stability for indigenous communities. Information was collected using a questionnaire and descriptively presented as frequency and percentages. The majority of people received their information regarding COVID-19 from one source (radio) (OR= 1.55). Why has the government failed to stop brain-drain from the country, and also has failed to capture/utilise the best I.T. It must not be too older in years of publication, qualitative and quantitative study design can be accepted; the geographical location is mostly developing countries. While local knowledge and local culture has helped with adaptation to the hazards which exist in local communities, some aspects of local culture could increase the vulnerability of some groups such as women, to hazards in local communities. are transferred. Countries such as Nigeria have faced challenges linked to power asymmetry that have led to poor saving policies, resulting in catastrophic situations when oil prices are down. The reasons behind policy failures are many: inadequate government capacity to enforce regulations, and policies with unintended and unforeseen effects or with known effects yet lack of concern about them. and ignorance from relevant stakeholders, which has increased the vulnerability of the communities to hazards. within systems tracts) can be identified and honoured; (3) trajectory analysis does not anticipate the succession of depositional events implied by systems-tract models; and (4) the descriptive emphasis of trajectory analysis does not involve any a priori assumptions about the type or nature of the mechanisms that drive sequence development. an analytical framework. A case study was conducted in Vientiane and five provinces in 2017. However, this logical scenario does not seem to be the case in many middle- and low-income countries. In addition, the practicality of the Contextual Interaction Theory as an analytical framework to understand this phenomenon will be reflected, due to the wide variety of models in the policy implementation literature available (Weible, Heikkila, deLeon, & Sabatier, 2012). Quantitative indicators were calculated at the community-level, and their drivers identified, allowing for comparisons of the overall vulnerability score. Seven categories of challenges were identified in the study and the possible means of avoiding the identified challenges were also suggested. UBE Policy implementation, this paper uniquely seeks to investigate the question of why educational policies regularly fail especially, in the West Africa nation of Nigeria. The research recommended an investment in human resource training and development programmes, granting of autonomy to FAAN through amendment of extant laws, and the government regular consultation with relevant stakeholders on aviation policy issues. The conduct of the qualitative interview followed Patton's general interview guide principles and was carried out in accordance with the phenomenological approach through the use of Skype interviews with adjudication experts from the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and Malaysia. experts for the country? This study sought to unravel factors accounting for this policy inaction, drawing from implementing experiences in Africa and across the world.

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