Note: Lady Master Leto is also an ascended master from SE9, who worked with Djwhal Khul (twin soul) and St. Germain as well. If you want to join Angel therapy workshops you can message me. So, when you call on Jesus, you are calling on the past life persona of the person who ascended to and surrendered to his Higher Self. Ascended Masters, or the Great White Brotherhood or Secret Chiefs, are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but have went through spiritual transformation to the point of reaching ascension.. Right 4. This is part 2 of Who Are The Ascended Masters. Ascended Masters serve as the Teachers of mankind from the Realms of Spirit. Let’s jump right back into where we left off in part 1. Ascended Masters in the Ascended Master Teachings of a number of movements in the Theosophical tradition are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations.. Meet 22 Ascended Masters. In the Ascended Master Teachings, Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations.. The Next 30 Years Ascended Masters in the Ascended Master Teachings of a number of movements in the theosophical tradition are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have … They have served as teachers and leaders from within the spiritual realms. The Ascended Masters were first identified as the Masters of Ancient Wisdom by the writings of Theosophist Helena Blavatsky during the mid-1870s.. A similar term, Masters of the Far East, was used to describe the same set of beings was seen again in 1924 by a man named Baird T. Spalding in his books, Life, and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East. Here we explain the qualities of each of the 13 rays and the Ascended Masters who are connected too and working with that Energy. The Ascended Masters who work on these 7 rays work with the attributes and principles attributed to each ray. They held onto their spiritual principles and strove to imitate the path of Christ or Buddha; as they persevered they paid off their debts to life, balanced the threefold flame of love, wisdom, and power in their heart, and fulfilled their Divine Mission in the earth. Quoting Elizabeth Claire Prophet: " Through such dedicated lifestreams [ humankind has] been given insight into the nature of the soul, the purpose of life, and the … Some lived more recently and are well-known, while others are ancient and have been forgotten. The ascended masters are advanced spiritual beings who once walked the earth and who passed their initiations in earth’s schoolroom, balanced their karma, attained Christ Consciousness, united with their God Self—the I AM Presence—and ascended back to God.. Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ. I have grouped below some Ascended Masters according to their rays. ASCENDED MASTERS "WE HAVE BROKEN THE SILENCE OF THE CENTURIES" Please understand that there are many diverging opinions and beliefs regarding the Ascended Masters, and presenting these in their entireties would fill volumes. The Masters were meticulous in showing us their ray colours - click here to see their colours. He doesn't wear nice clothes when he delivers his words, he doesn't sit in nice surroundings. The 13 Rays are ray energies, bought to us from the heart of Mother, Father, God – through the Ascended Masters.. ASCENDED MASTERS & unboxing Doreen Virtue: Christianity vs New Age - Duration: 32:27. He has been a tireless worker for this particular planet and the betterment of humanity, and had a number of incarnations as Abraham, King Arthur, Thomas Becket, Sri Yukteswar and others. She’ll comfort you with compassion, help you forgive, and answer your prayers. The Spiritual Hierarchy . The True Ascended Masters have an incredible standard of training for the Messengers, and they do not Dictate in places that this man claims to. Updated 2020.03.24. They embodied on earth and determined to master life, to pursue God with passion through their sacred labour and exhibited the law of divine love. The Divine Plan is for all people to eventually attain the Ascension and move forward in Spiritual Evolution beyond this planet. They accomplished their Divine soul purpose and life mission while here on earth. Energized 2. 32:27. I have explained about Ascended masters in this video. Peace 6. The Ascended Masters were once just like you and I; going through the trials and tribulations of life. An Ascended Master is assigned to each of your five rays according to your life and soul lessons. There are 6 Ascended Masters of note incarnated here at the moment. Ascended Masters: "Masters who have served several incarnations in the lower heavens teaching the Cosmic Law of the Universe and who have ascended back into the presence of the Father from whence they receive new assignments to teach a wide variety of worlds because of their greater love." Ascended Master. She helps with feminine strength and power and can help you find time to enjoy all aspects of life. Both "Mahatmas" and "Ascended Master" are terms used in the Ascended Master Teachings.Ascended Master is … Ascended Masters . Ascended Masters Introduction. (5) El Morya is aligned to our Source Entity One (SE1). Ascended Masters. Rising 7. AND COSMIC BEINGS . For example the rays and Masters that were assigned to me in my first year looked like this 1-1-3-1-1. Welcome back to Open Your Reality. The Ascended Master is not the past life person, as it is not the lower-self person who ascended. The Ascended Masters are people like you; sons and daughters of God who have realised that they are joint heirs with the Christ. Mmhhmm 3. There exist several Ascended Masters who live-on in the hearts of those they have helped and those they continue to help. Because they have mastered time and space… ASCENDED MASTERS - ARCHANGELS . In truth, the Ascended Master is the Higher Self of the person who strived to ascend. Ascended masters are the saints of east and west—like … We are channels for the Ascended Masters and other beings of light. Ascended Masters are those who once walked the earth; they were human like us, but paid off their Karmic debt and mastered ascension. The Masters and Their Retreats by Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. There are 7 rays of ascension and all of the supposed ascended masters are categorized under these rays according to … Ascended Masters are souls who have occupied a human body on earth and paid off their karmic debt. They still have about 4 years of getting used to things before they will be ready to commence working. Both "Mahatma" and "Ascended Master" are terms used in the Ascended Master … Kuan Yin: A buddhist goddess, Kuan Yin is a master of unconditional love. The lives of the ascended masters, their incredible etheric retreats — temples and cities of light in the heaven world — plus instruction for safe soul travel during sleep, and how to get the most out of your etheric retreat experience. Ascended Masters are beings who have passed through the higher initiations, hold positions of great responsibility, overseeing the Earth and its growth or work on a cosmic level. Ascended Masters are souls who have ascended beyond the need to incarnate here on Earth. The Key 5. The ascended masters are the true teachers of mankind. Chohan. And, like organisations upon the earth, change their positions from time to time, … Enlightened spiritual beings who were once embodied on earth. Then they reunited with God in the ritual of the ascension. Since the Ascended Masters have already paid off their karmic debt, there is no longer a need for them to be reincarnated because, they have already ascended, and are no longer in need of their physical form. They stand as the way-showers, or the teachers, who show their disciples the path back to the center of their own being through that particular ray. These are highly evolved beings. Ascended Masters by Iman Omari, released 22 November 2020 1. The Masters are assigned within the first year of birth. To understand who and what they are, you need to know what the words … 12 talking about this. Count Saint Germain – is probably the most well-known Ascended Master because more than any other, to our knowledge, he has mixed with people who, from a spiritual perspective, are very ordinary, including European royalty. Ascended Master Isis was the Egyptian goddess of Motherhood and fertility. They all walked-in during 2005-2006, each one in a different part of the world. Ascended Masters are individuals who have attained the Victory of the Ascension and are in "Heaven" (the upper Divine Octaves). Ascended Masters are individual prominent men and women who over the centuries came to earth to collaborate and help. Ascended Masters are high vibrational, enlightened beings, of love and light. Many Ascended Masters belong to both the … 22 Teachings 3,391 views. The Rays are an integral part of the Masters teachings and they bring through the source energy for us all. Ascended Masters are not only part of the Spiritual Hierarchy that overlooks the Earth plane, also the higher Solar and Universal Cosmic planes. Jesus is one of them. The Great White Brotherhood, also known as the Brotherhood of Light, is made up of these, as well as their unascended disciples (chelas) and adepts in the lower octaves (lower planes [levels] of atomic structure). They are individual souls who have lived and walked in the physical realm, and through each of their lifetimes on Earth, of their own free will, they chose to fully express themselves as … The Ascended Masters. Chloe Hudson's Stamps. Ascended Master. They direct the spiritual evolution of all devotees of God. Lord or master; a chief. Ascended Masters are enlightened Spiritual Beings who lived on Earth, faced the same challenges we face today and reunited with God. The ascended masters are advanced spiritual beings who once walked the earth and who passed their initiations in earth’s schoolroom, balanced their karma, attained Christ Consciousness, united with their God Self—the I AM Presence—and ascended back to God.. Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ. Ascended Master Jesus and Ascended Lady Master Mary of Magdala (now called Nada) are examples of individuals who worked together on Earth in accomplishing the mission given them as Twin Flames. Mostly you will encounter the word Ascended Masters when you are reading about ascension and spiritual matters. They may appear on Earth in human form as healers, prophets, or teachers, but this is not for their own soul growth – instead it is for the benefit of humankind. Ascended masters are the saints of east and west—like … The information given here is only a small fraction of the many diverse Theosophical beliefs. These ascended masters have become authorities through their own disciplines and through following one of the rays of God they have become the Chohan, or the Lord, of that ray. Some of the roles played in life by Ascended Masters includes prophets. Each one fulfilled their reason for being.

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