The 290 courses cover current topics of research interest in electrical engineering. Power Electronics: Read More [+], Prerequisites: EL ENG 105 or consent of instructor. Gerald Friedland, Adjunct Assistant Professor. This course connects classical statistical signal processing (Hilbert space filtering theory by Wiener and Kolmogorov, state space model, signal representation, detection and estimation, adaptive filtering) with modern statistical and machine learning theory and applications. ROM, RAM, EEPROM circuit design. Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA), Embedded System Design, Design methodologies and tools, Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR), Hybrid systems, Design methodologies and tools, Communications & Networking (COMNET), Wireless sensor network design, Design methodologies and tools.Research Profile, S. Shankar Sastry, Professor. Applicants admitted to a doctoral program that requires a master’s degree to be earned at Berkeley as a prerequisite (even though the applicant already has a master’s degree from another institution in the same or a closely allied field of study) will be permitted to undertake the second master’s degree, despite the overlap in field. Examples and case studies. • Survey of parallel machines and machine structures. Mathematics 1A-1B, 53, 54 or equivalent, Terms offered: Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2016 As part of a semester-long project to design a computer science course, participants invent and refine a variety of homework and exam activities, and evaluate alternatives for textbooks, grading and other administrative policies, and innovative uses of technology. Students may enroll in multiple sections of this course within the same semester. How high level applications are built (eg climate modeling). Human-computer interaction, user interfaces, end-user programming, design tools, prototyping, crowdsourcing, multitouch, sensing.Research Profile, Marti A. Hearst, Professor. Research term project. Students will have gained both knowledge/abilities related to human-robot interaction, as well as to research and presentation skills including being able to Metal-oxide-semiconductor systems, short-channel and high field effects, device modeling, and impact on analog, digital circuits. The Berkeley campus spread across 1,232 acres of the bay area … Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC).Research Profile. Applications of Parallel Computers: Read More [+]. Students should already be familiar with basic concepts such as transformations, scan-conversion, scene graphs, shading, and light transport. Physical Electronics (PHY), Flexible and Printed Electronics, Energy (ENE).Research Profile, Krste Asanovic, Professor. Galois field theory, algebraic error-correction codes. Students must demonstrate command of the content and the ability to design and produce an acceptable dissertation. Radio-frequency mixers, oscillators, phase-locked loops, modulators, and demodulators. Homework assignments, exam, and term paper or project required. Lasers, fiber optics, and holography. Exploring the training and use of deep networks with visualization tools. The diverse backgrounds and passions of our faculty and students support the excellence that makes Berkeley second to none in its breadth, depth, and reach of scholarship, research, and public service — in its impact on California and the U.S., as well as around the globe. understand how 2D impulse response or 2D spatial frequency transfer function (or Modulation Transfer Function) allow one to quantify the spatial resolution of an imaging system. The course content may vary from semester to semester. Security (SEC), Theory (THY).Research Profile, John Chuang, Professor. Robotic Manipulation and Interaction: Read More [+]. Computer architecture & engineering, cyber-physical systems and design automation, energy, operating systems & networking.Research Profile, Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, Associate Professor. Approximate counting and uniform generation of combinatorial objects, rapid convergence of random walks on expander graphs, explicit construction of expander graphs, randomized reductions, Kolmogorov complexity, pseudo-random number generation, semi-random sources. Grading: Offered for satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade only. students will be hired by companies that create, sell, operate or consult in biomedical imaging, Prerequisites: Undergraduate level course work covering integral and differential calculus, two classes in engineering-level physics, introductory level linear algebra, introductory level statistics, at least 1 course in LTI system theory including (analog convolution, Fourier transforms, and Nyquist sampling theory). This course should enable students to begin graduate level research at Berkeley (Neuroscience labs, EECS and Bioengineering), LBNL or at UCSF (Radiology and Bioengineering) at an advanced level and make research-level contribution, Prerequisites: EL ENG 120 or BIO ENG C165/EL ENG C145B or consent of instructor. T. Kenneth Gustafson, Professor Emeritus. David Tse, Adjunct Professor. Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Semiconductor Technology: Read More [+], Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Semiconductor Technology: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2014, Fall 2013, Fall 2012 Analog Integrated Circuits: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2018 Viability control. Numerical Modeling and Analysis: Nonlinear Systems and Noise: Read More [+], Course Objectives: Homotopy techniques for robust nonlinear equation solutionModelling and analysis of oscillatory systems Software engineering. Emphasis on design, not fabrication. Use of SPICE and other computer aids. Approximations of combinatorial optimization problems, of stochastic programming problems, of robust optimization problems (i.e., with optimization problems with unknown but bounded data), of optimal control problems. Electronic position-sensing circuits and electrical and mechanical noise. The course content may vary from semester to semester. Communications & Networking (COMNET), Information Theory, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing, Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR), Distributed and Networked Control, Signal Processing (SP), Theory (THY), Information Theory.Research Profile, Sayeef Salahuddin, Associate Professor. The labs are centered on a large design with the focus on rapid design space exploration. Database Management Systems (DBMS), Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT).Research Profile, Paul N. Hilfinger, Teaching Professor. Analysis and design of electronic circuits for communication systems, with an emphasis on integrated circuits for wireless communication systems. Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Communication Networks: Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Communications and Information Theory, Terms offered: Fall 2018, Fall 2016, Fall 2009. Database Management Systems (DBMS), Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT). Analysis and Design of VLSI Analog-Digital Interface Integrated Circuits: Read More [+], Formerly known as: Electrical Engineering 247, Analysis and Design of VLSI Analog-Digital Interface Integrated Circuits: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018 Advanced Control Systems I: Read More [+], Instructors: Borrelli, Horowitz, Tomizuka, Tomlin, Advanced Control Systems I: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018 understand the concept of image reconstruction as solving a mathematical inverse problem. Numerical Modeling and Analysis: Nonlinear Systems and Noise: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2016 How should it learn from user feedback? Reinforcement learning. Principles and Techniques of Data Science: Read More [+], Prerequisites: Computer Science/Information/Statistics C8 or Engineering 7; and either Computer Science 61A or Computer Science 88. Emphasis is on MOS field-effect transistors and their behaviors dictated by present and probable future technologies. Adjoint-based optimization. Analysis and optimized design of monolithic operational amplifiers and wide-band amplifiers; methods of achieving wide-band amplification, gain-bandwidth considerations; analysis of noise in integrated circuits and low noise design. students will be tested for their understanding of the key concepts above Hardware laboratory and design project. Integrated Circuits (INC), Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Communications & Networking (COMNET), Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA).Research Profile, Venkat Anantharam, Professor. Integration strategies and assembly processes. Student Learning Outcomes: Provide an opportunity to embark on a research-level final project with support from course staff. Anca Dragan, Assistant Professor. Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1-4 hours of lecture per week. Joshua Hug, Assistant Teaching Professor. The design is mapped to simulation and layout specification. - harmonic balance and shooting Communications & Networking (COMNET), Signal Processing (SP), Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR).Research Profile, Satish Rao, Professor. CAD for MEMS. Interaction of radiation with atomic and semiconductor systems, density matrix treatment, semiclassical laser theory (Lamb's), laser resonators, specific laser systems, laser dynamics, Q-switching and mode-locking, noise in lasers and optical amplifiers. Formerly known as: Electrical Engineering W245, Terms offered: Prior to 2007 Architectural and circuit level design and analysis of integrated analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog interfaces in CMOS and BiCMOS VLSI technology. students will apply this knowledge to their research at Berkeley, UCSF, the national labs or elsewhere This material could prepare the student for a career in designing new medical imaging systems that reliably detect small tumors or infarcts. Fabrication processes, device characteristics, parasitic effects static and dynamic digital circuits for logic and memory functions. The design, implementation, and evaluation of user interfaces. Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Solid State Devices: Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Circuit Design, Terms offered: Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018. Prerequisites: EL ENG 206A / BIO ENG C125; or consent of the instructor, Terms offered: Spring 2011, Spring 2010, Fall 2006 This course is a sequel to EECS 125/225, which covers kinematics, The 290 courses cover current topics of research interest in electrical engineering. Introduction to Machine Learning: Read More [+], Prerequisites: Mathematics 53, 54; Computer Science 70; Computer Science 188 or consent of instructor. Input-to-state and input-output stability, and dissipativity theory. Group Studies, Seminars, or Group Research: Terms offered: Spring 2019, Summer 2016 10 Week Session, Summer 2016 8 Week Session, Teaching Techniques for Electrical Engineering. Theory (THY), Security (SEC).Research Profile. Hamilton-Jacobi-based control. Graduate survey of modern topics on theory, foundations, and applications of modern cryptography. Calculation of speed and power consumption from layout and fabrication parameters. Theory (THY).Research Profile. Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT), Security (SEC), Networking and distributed computer systems, Quality of Service (Q of S) and resources management, modeling and performance analysis. Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for EECS 206A after taking EE C125/Bioengineering C125, EE C106A, or EECS C106A. Digital synthesis, partitioning, placement, routing, and simulation tools for FPGAs are covered in detail. apply Bayesian inference and learning techniques to enhance coordination in collaborative tasks. Communications & Networking (COMNET). Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT), Security (SEC), Computer architecture, Quantum computer design, Internet-scale storage systems, Peer-to-peer networking.Research Profile, Andreas Kuehlmann, Adjunct Professor. Robert G. Meyer, Professor Emeritus. Graphics (GR), Scientific Computing (SCI), Signal Processing (SP), Computer Vision. Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for EE W240A after taking EE 140 or EE 240A. Use of new CAD tools and systems. It is, however, the responsibility of the student to schedule a time for the talk that is convenient for members of the committee. Adam Wolisz, Adjunct Professor. Sequential circuits, timing considerations, and clocking approaches. Professor in the Graduate School: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC), Computer Architecture and Systems: Parallel Computing performance, correctness, productivity,Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO), Cancer tumor genomics, Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT).Research Profile, Elijah Polak, Professor Emeritus. Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Signal Processing: Read More [+], Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Signal Processing: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Fall 2009 Programming Systems (PS), Scientific Computing (SCI), Software engineering, Parallel programming techniques.Research Profile. Models for parallel programming. Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC), Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT), Distributed and networked systems design and implementation.Research Profile, Kurt Keutzer, Professor. Classification regression, clustering, dimensionality, reduction, and density estimation. Basic optical devices and the human eye. Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT).Research Profile, Benjamin Recht, Associate Professor. Applications of Maxwell's Equations to the study of waveguides, resonant cavities, optical fiber guides, Gaussian optics, diffraction, scattering, and antennas. understand how to reconstruct a 2D CT image from projection data using the filtered backprojection algorithm Official IELTS score reports must be mailed directly to our office from the British Council. + Richard Muller, Professor Emeritus. Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT), Security (SEC), Programming Systems (PS).Research Profile, Yun Song, Professor. The course content may vary from semester to semester. Audio Signal Processing in Humans and Machines, Terms offered: Spring 2014, Spring 2012, Spring 2009. Physical Electronics (PHY), Energy (ENE), Integrated Circuits (INC).Research Profile, Claire Tomlin, Professor. This course discusses various top-down and bottom-up approaches to synthesizing and processing nanostructured materials. Numerical modelling and analysis techniques are widely used in scientific and Parametric design and optimal design of MEMS. Electric power systems analysis, generation and transmission systems planning and investment, power system control and communications, electric energy industry restructuring .Research Profile, Lotfi A. Zadeh, Professor Emeritus. Dear applicant considering study as a graduate student, post-doc, or intern in UC Berkeley's Computer Science Division, Many faculty members at UC Berkeley receive a large number of letters and emails from prospective graduate … Chenming Hu, Professor Emeritus. Education (EDUC).Research Profile. Advanced topics related to current research in algorithms and artificial intelligence for robotics. • Parallel programming languages, compilers, libraries and toolboxes. concretizing theory. subsystems are amenable to analytical and computational methods but the interconnection, taken as a whole, is Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA).Research Profile, Edward A. Lee, Professor. Covers selected topics in computational logic and automata theory including modeling and specification formalisms, temporal logics, satisfiability solving, model checking, synthesis, learning, and theorem proving. - Multi-time PDE and envelope methods Supervised teaching practice, in either a one-on-one tutorial or classroom discussion setting. Seminar-style course presenting an in-depth perspective on one specific domain of integrated circuit design. Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA), Integrated Circuits (INC).Research Profile. Stability. Integrated Circuits (INC), Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC), Physical Electronics (PHY), Communications & Networking (COMNET), Integrated Photonics, Circuit design with Emerging-Technologies.Research Profile, Bernd Sturmfels, Professor. Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Mems, Microsensors, and Microactuators: Read More [+], Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Mems, Microsensors, and Microactuators: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Fall 2018, Fall 2017, Fall 2015 Power amplifier design with application to wireless radio transmitters. In addition, techniques to bridging length scales such as heterogeneous integration will be discussed. Feedback amplifiers, 2-port formulation, source, load, and feedback network loading. VLSI design tools. Case studies in Official TOEFL score reports must be sent directly from Educational Test Services (ETS). Terms offered: Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018 If you just want to print information on specific tabs, you're better off downloading a PDF of the page, opening it, and then selecting the pages you really want to print. Terms offered: Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2010. Algorithm design techniques for networks like hypercubes, shuffle-exchanges, threes, meshes and butterfly networks. Research Profile, Theodore Van Duzer, Professor Emeritus. Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2019, Fall 2017 Experiential Advanced Control Design II: Read More [+], Experiential Advanced Control Design II: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Prior to 2007 The 290 courses cover current topics of research interest in electrical engineering. Another purpose of this presentation is for faculty to provide feedback on the quality of work to date. ×Close Notice – Policies and resources for the campus community on the COVID-19 global pandemic, including necessary health and safety precautions and how to obtain more information from health … Artificial Intelligence (AI), Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).Research Profile, Prabal Dutta, Associate Professor. Multiple access techniques: TDMA, CDMA, OFDM. Spread spectrum communication. Nonlinear Systems: Read More [+], Prerequisites: MATH 54 (undergraduate level ordinary differential equations and linear algebra), Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2018 Imaging Systems, Computational Photography,, Signal Processing (SP), Optics.Research Profile, Clark Nguyen, Professor. - concepts of phase noise in oscillatorsUsing MAPP for fast/convenient modelling and analysis. Embedding query languages in programming languages. Characteristics of power semiconductor devices, including power diodes, SCRs, MOSFETs, IGBTs, and emerging wide bandgap devices. The relevant background material from finite field and polynomial algebra will be developed as part of the course. Formerly known as: Electrical Engineering W142, Terms offered: Spring 2017, Spring 2016 Considerations concerning operating system design, including buffering, page size, prefetching, etc. Biomedical imaging is a clinically important application of engineering, applied mathematics, physics, and medicine. Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab: system, with caches, graphics acceleration, and external peripheral components. Provide students with an overview of advanced deep reinforcement learning topics, including current research trends; Advanced Computer Graphics Algorithms and Techniques: Read More [+], Advanced Computer Graphics Algorithms and Techniques: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2011 Topics covered in this course include global illumination, mesh processing, subdivision surfaces, basic differential geometry, physically based animation, inverse kinematics, imaging and computational photography, and precomputed light transport. Integrated Circuits (INC).Research Profile. Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences. Lexical analysis, syntax analysis. Fundamental Algorithms for System Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization: Read More [+]. Communications & Networking (COMNET), Signal Processing (SP), Business and economics issues in the software industry. The 290 courses cover current topics of research interest in electrical engineering. Programs may consider students for an additional academic master’s or professional master’s degree only if the additional degree is in a distinctly different field. David G. Messerschmitt, Professor Emeritus. Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Fall 2014, Terms offered: Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Summer 2015 10 Week Session, Group Studies Seminars, or Group Research. Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for W290C after taking 290C. Input/Output Methods for Compositional System Analysis: Nonlinear Systems--Analysis, Stability and Control, Terms offered: Spring 2017, Spring 2016, Spring 2015. Special Topics: Read More [+], Fall and/or spring: 4 weeks - 3-15 hours of lecture per week6 weeks - 3-9 hours of lecture per week8 weeks - 2-6 hours of lecture per week10 weeks - 2-5 hours of lecture per week15 weeks - 1-3 hours of lecture per week, Terms offered: Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Summer 2015 10 Week Session Software engineering, programming systemsm, security, program analysis.Research Profile, Ren Ng, Assistant Professor. understand the physics and hardware limits to spatial resolution of an X-ray imaging system Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Read More [+]. Effect of phase and defect equilibria on process control. The following table and chart show the ethnic background for students who recently graduated from University of California - Berkeley with a master's … Microsensor and microactuator devices: electrostatic, piezoresistive, piezoelectric, thermal, magnetic transduction. multi-agent systems, biological networks, Internet congestion control, and adaptive control. The standard for continuing on with PhD research is that the proposal has sufficient merit to lead to a satisfactory dissertation. It includes the theory of computation, the design and analysis of algorithms, the architecture and logic design of computers, programming languages, compilers, operating systems, scientific computation, computer graphics, databases, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing. The … Practical applications of the devices will be also discussed. contrast and relate model-based and model-free learning from demonstration. Physical Electronics (PHY), Signal Processing (SP), Computational imaging, Optics and Imaging, Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO), Graphics (GR).Research Profile, Jean Walrand, Professor. Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits. Advanced study in various subjects through special seminars on topics to be selected each year, informal group studies of special problems, group participation in comprehensive design problems, or group research on complete problems for analysis and experimentation. Shared memory models of parallel computation. For example, a physics PhD could be admitted to a doctoral degree program in music or history; however, a student with a doctoral degree in mathematics would not be permitted to add a PhD in statistics. The student should talk (at least briefly) about any research progress to date (e.g., MS project, PhD research, or class project). Silicon device fabrication technology. Student Learning Outcomes: Although the syllabus is the same as EECS151LA, the assignments and exams for EECS251LA will have harder problems in labs and in the project that test deeper understanding expected from a graduate level course.

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