Scrapbook or make a photo album using a program like Shutterfly. 2. There are several things you can do to make the bedridden experience bearable. Being on bed rest while you're pregnant can be one of the most frustrating things... ever! 10. Meanwhile, The River at Night will have you on the edge of your bed with its nightmarish realism about four friends who get in a freak whitewater-rafting accident and are left to fend for themselves in the wilds of Maine. Check out our ideas below to see how you can help. Ask your guests to bring over board games or keep some stocked by your bed to play with people when they come by to visit. The best position for bed rest will depend on your situation and what complication your health care provider is trying to address or prevent. Now that Babies R Us is no longer, a lot of people, myself included, have turned to creating a FREE Amazon Baby Registry. But we're not talking Chutes and Ladders. Take an online course to learn some new (and maybe even earn some college credit). Channel your creative side to start designing your baby announcements. Catch up on your favorite social media sites. There is a lot you CAN do while on bed rest than you may initially think. Oct 23, 2017 - Are you or someone you know facing bed rest due to pregnancy, an injury, or recovery from surgery? Most board games require little to no movement and make for the perfect activity while on bed rest. Bryan McCay, Credit: A fun celebration doesn’t need to cost a pretty penny. Soak your paws in a bath of warm, soapy water for a few minutes. Make a wishlist on Amazon. There was so much to do! mikumistock/Shutterstock. Here are some ideas for for passing the time on pregnancy bed rest. Just like other baby registry stores, you get different benefits for creating a registry with them. When you are pregnant and on bed rest for months, a quiet room with a view is a very big deal. ROM exercises can help prevent stiff joints and muscles. 1. Packed with tongue-in-cheek pregnancy-themed mazes, quizzes, and lists, The Big Fat Activity Book for Pregnant People is a really good way to tap into your potentially waning sense of humor. While on bed rest is the perfect time to create or update your baby registry. Credit: Throw a memorable bash with these clever cost-cutting kids’ birthday party ideas. Research exercise programs you can start when you are no longer on bed rest. The Book of Hygge will remind you that slowing down can be a good thing and demonstrate how to unplug and connect with family and friends. Browse Land of Nod for petite-sized furniture, Little Sapling Toys for wooden playthings, Tiny Cottons for pima cotton onesies, Solly Baby for a comfortable wrap, and Marpac for a white noise machine (you can thank us later). Cut out laminated objects for a teacher friend. Here's where YouTube becomes your new best friend. Syda Productions/Shutterstock, Credit: Invite friends over. If you’re looking to creatively vent your thoughts, emotions, plans or observations, pick up a pen and paper or let your fingers dance on the keyboard. Are you or someone you know facing bed rest due to pregnancy, an injury, or recovery from surgery? Credit: Practice some new hairdo’s…on yourself and/or the kids. I’m the wife of a farmer’s son, homeschooling mom of three girls, and an Okie who dreams of returning to the country life. If you're on doctor-prescribed bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy, there's a 100 percent chance you'll get bored and need to try one of these hobbies. Hair Dye and Nail Polish During Pregnancy: Safe or Not? I bought vintage french linen for the bed, satin pyjamas to help prevent bed sores and make turning easier and lots of cushions and bolsters. Teach your kids something new…like how to crochet or play a new board game or how to add triple digit numbers. Have a candlelight dinner with your hubby in bed! Take a lounge chair outside to enjoy the nice weather or get a sun tan. Let’s connect. Now is not the time to let your pride stand in your way, friend. Parenting is so much easier with good pals. If you're looking for a creative outlet for all that brain-busting, check out blogs like Think Written and The Write Practice for prompts that will get you tapping that keyboard. One twin has cysts, the other is measuring significantly small, and they're sharing a sac, among other possible problems, so she's got a ton of worries right now. You should aim for eight to 12 eight-ounce glasses each day. If simplicity is more your style, a pre-planned design with fill-in-the-blank pages, like these memory books by Lucy Darling, is a surefire way to get the job done when you're kicking up your feet. Listen to music or inspirational messages. Try to eat small meals throughout the day instead of large meals to help reduce heartburn. After asking several other women who also spent time with their feet up, I devised a list of “must haves” and things you should ask for if you find yourself on bed rest. Top 5 Mom Friend Problems—And How to Fix Them, Your Chances of Getting Pregnant Every Day of the Month, Signs of Approaching Labor: How to Tell Your Baby is Coming Soon, These Are the Most Popular Baby Names of 2020, How to Deal With Bullies: A Guide for Parents, 17 Budget-Friendly Kids’ Birthday Party Ideas, All About Coronavirus COVID-19: A Concerned Parent's Guide, 6 Easter Egg Science Experiments for Kids, Mama Mio Megamama Super-Rich Omega Body Lotion. While it's a necessity for many women in order to have a healthy pregnancy and baby, it can be frustrating to be confined to bed and relying on others. I’m so glad you are here. Ivanko80/Shutterstock, Credit: Bed rest can be challenging so it is important to be organized and establish a daily routine. *Check out even more amazing 100 lists at this cache of homeschooling and family treasures on the iHomeschool Network. Update all the apps on your phone and delete the ones you don’t use anymore. When I was on hospital bed rest, a friend decorated my room and it made it so much better! So, following the lead of my mentor, I present 10 fun things Mamas on Bedrest can do while on bed rest. Whether you're on strict bed rest or partial bed rest, these creative, fun, and useful ideas are sure to alleviate boredom and help you be more productive. Read a book. Bed rest during pregnancy is no walk in the park. Curious which baby names stole the show this year? All Rights Reserved. Click To Tweet 100 Things to Do While on Bed Rest. Or try your (#pregnancyswollen) hand at Kwizniac Trivia Game, which gives ten increasingly crucial clues ("It won 11 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Costume Design") leading to answers ("Titanic") that test your general trivia knowledge. Being on bed rest gives you lots of time to think. Use an mp3 player to listen to your favorite playlist or podcast. Regardless, bed rest Get to know each phase of your cycle to get pregnant faster. I’m Kathy! is part of the Parents Network. Bed rest is quite confining so fresh flowers or a new candle or diffuser (this one is my favorite) can make such a difference. Record audiobooks for your kids or Librovox. Learn a new hobby like calligraphy, origami, or crochet. You can also rest by laying down and not do anything but watch television or read a book. Write angry letters to your inconsiderate neighbor...then maybe throw them out. Christmas shop online. The upbeat Sing Street snagged an impressive 96% on Rotten Tomatoes, so even if you're not a musical enthusiast it's worth a watch. Learn how to spot it—and how to protect children of all ages from bullies at school. If writing to a specific person gets you more energized, set aside time each day to scribble down one or two letters or emails. Kiss the back of her neck while you do this and she’ll be yours. A lot of organizing and fun things to do. You can learn how to code, how to sew a button, three ways to peel an egg, how to play the ukulele, and how to draw an eye. Glad you are up and about. Not sure? 5 Tips to Make This the Year You Organize Your Baby Photos, Get Inspired With These Nursery Design Ideas. Snuggle with your kids. has options ranging from whimsical to modern that you can mix and match to your creative heart's delight in any number of baby-themed books. – Make your bed as beautiful as you can. Use these tips to help make your bed rest productive, entertaining, and a little less boring. Learn to overcome friendship hurdles and bond with women who get you. See how much English grammar you remember with. However, if you have the right mindset, it doesn’t have to be as bad as you think. First reply wins," and "Most missed calls in the last week wins this card.". Download and read magazines via your local library. Things to Do While on Bed Rest “Bed rest” is a general term used when your health care practitioner wants you to limit your activities. When sex coincides with your most fertile ovulation days, you'll increase the chances of conceiving. Let’s face them together. This will help prevent pressure sores. For some, it means just getting off your feet every couple of hours and resting in bed, but for others it may mean strict bed rest or rest in a hospital. You can take bed-rest literally and reset. amazing 100 lists at this cache of homeschooling and family treasures on the iHomeschool Network, Great Gift Ideas for Your Geography Lovin’ Kid, How to Make Geography Fun for Kids (and Easy for You!). Shoot for six to eight small meals. Record audiobooks for your kids or Librovox. Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. There are 11 things you can do while you’re on bedrest that can help you relax, prepare for your baby, and enjoy your down time. Or, if Christmas isn’t close. Strict or complete bed rest: This is precisely what it says. Hi. Practice blowing bubbles. I’m Kathy. In order to deal with my frustrations, I came up with a list of things to do while on bed rest and spent my time focusing on them. Whether you're on strict bed rest or partial bed rest -- these creative, fun, and useful ideas are sure to alleviate boredom. Everything you need to thrive at home as a family. What’s the biggest you can create? Catch up with old friends on your favorite social media app. Dig into something fresh that will quiet your mind, or make you think or laugh until you're ready to pop. In total, I was on bed rest for about 4 months. Learn to recognize the first signs of labor approaching, which signal that your little one might make an appearance soon. Make a list of all the things you want to do when you are no longer on bed rest. It took my husband Bennett and I a full month of kissing up to the nurses to get that prime room. Here's a 100 things you can do while you are down. From new classics like Noah to tried-and-true faves like Ava, here are the top boy and girl names of the year so far, plus more naming trends to consider. At first, I thought it was really cool to be asked to lay in bed all day and do nothing but then it dawned on me pretty quickly how boring and frustrating it can get. And you'll come away knowing how to pronounce the Danish word (it's hoo-gah). Anxiously awaiting your baby’s arrival? While I was on bed rest for over 50 days this year, the number one question that was asked of me was “Aren’t you bored?” My immediate reply (almost always) was no. Granted, mothering can be challenging when you are not able to move around like you’d like. The past few days have been a whirlwind, both of our kids have been really sick since the weekend and after spending way too much time at the hospital our eldest was diagnosed with asthma and pneumonia and our youngest with croup and a lung infection. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission. You can share your written works with your friends on a blog or social media! In most cases, your healthcare provider will request that you sleep and rest on your side, usually with your knees or hips bent, and maybe with a pillow between your knees. Exercise in bed, if permissible. Yes, the same 4 walls do get old sometimes. Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Here is a list of 100 things you can do on bed rest if you ever begin doubt. If you’re a close friend or family, offer to clean her house or throw in a load of laundry while you are visiting. Find a chore your kid loves to do, and start a habit of wanting to help out that'll last a lifetime. But hey, it's good preparation for frantically searching "how to calm a crying baby" when the time comes. I found out yesterday that one of my good friends from college is on bed rest now at about 24 weeks along with twin girls. 7. Get washed up and dressed every day. What can I do to help myself heal while I am on bed rest? Have someone place a big piece of cardboard on your bed and complete a 1,000 piece puzzle. Give your dog interactive toys and food puzzles to help keep her mind more engaged and occupied while she's under crate rest. This life as a Christian homeschool mom is filled with challenges. Pray. Feel free to share with a friend or family member on bed rest to encourage them in their bed rest journey too. You may even want to play around with letters and sounds to create your own baby names. Just an idea. Let’s connect! This list is great for people who are or who are not on bedrest. While there is no solid research either for or against bed rest, many healthcare providers believe it is worth trying if it may increase the chances of a successful, full-term pregnancy. Walmart grocery pickup was a lifesaver for me while on bed rest. Let them dry before steeping your skin in Mama Mio Megamama Super-Rich Omega Body Lotion to hydrate and nourish your hands, feet, and body. Cuddle up to Zootopia with the kiddos and you'll beam at the wonderful message centered around love and tolerance, all while getting a kick out of hearing Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, and Octavia Spencer as animated animals. Resting does your pregnant body good. Cara is a contributor to our hyperlocal site for East Bay parents, {510} Families, and is fast becoming an expert not on “what to do with (and without!) Grocery shop via Walmart pick-up. Someone might be able to watch older children for you while you rest, or they might offer to come tidy up for you, or even send over a cleaning crew. Posted by Angela V / Published on January 14, 2016 Tips: How to Entertain Kids When They Are on Bed Rest. Joana Lopes/Shutterstock, Credit: Here’s everything you need to know about the disease that originated in Wuhan, China. While being on bed rest may be a drag, chronicle the experience so that later, perhaps much later, you can share the … For most people, being put on bed rest is a nightmare. Whatever feels productive or cathartic. There is a lot you CAN do while on bed rest than you may initially think. Have your friends over, order Chinese food or pizza, and break out the board games for a raucous night on the couch. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables while on bed rest, along with whole grains. Read more, Weekly Use-worthy E-mails * Exclusive Freebies * And a Little a Bit of Happy. But above all, I’m a prime example of God’s work in progress. Crossing that off your to-do list after you're off bed rest will make you feel great. © Copyright 2021 Meredith Corporation. Take Pen to Paper (or Fingers to Keyboard). Who said you had to be a hermit! Dust off that baby book you never finished for your firstborn, or start stocking up on supplies to hit the ground running for your expectant babe. Ask your doctor what exercises you can safely do in your situation. You may not have enough bed rest time to become an expert in something new (thank goodness), but you can pick up a few new life skills in 10 minutes or less. There'll be practically no time for shopping once baby arrives. Write your life story–a great keepsake for the kids. Being on bed rest gives you lots of time to think. While on bed rest, work on writing a poem, short story, or maybe even a novel. Watch their kids. ...Baby's nursery decor! Jot down daily observations and reflections for your partner who may be experiencing the pregnancy in a very different way. So what are some things that you could do for someone on bed rest? Listen for wheezing, hacking, or barking first, then read on to find out what's normal and when it's time to worry. #bedrest #bedrestwithkids #havingfun, A post shared by Kathy Gossen (@cornerstonekat) on Jun 21, 2017 at 7:44am PDT. A healthcare provider may need to help you change your position to prevent injury. your baby,” but rather, “what to do while pregnant and on bedrest when you have another child.”Pregnancy bedrest is a bummer and Cara offered to share her lessons learned with us. Take a nap and enjoy it and then wake up happy and re-charged. Forget the pile of books that's been collecting on your nightstand for months. Or some new notebooks, like this "good vibes" buy from Minted, and funky pens, like this pickle pen, can also inspire your inner Toni Morrison. , Catch up on the latest movies on Netflix or. Jill got it on her first day, which was pretty awesome! this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Research something you’ve always wanted to know more about. Pregnancy bed rest can take a big toll on you, physically and mentally. Smarten up your annual Easter tradition with these easy, educational egg dyeing ideas. Call and chat with a friend or family member. More like Game of Phones, with challenges like "Send a message to your parents. Then, after clipping and trimming your baby-soft nails, paint on a few coats of toluene- and formaldehyde-free Knocked Up Nails, like the electric-looking Maternity Blue Jeans. The benefits tend to change on occasion. Christina Pauchi/Shutterstock. Change your position in bed every 2 hours as directed. I’m a pediatric sleep specialist who has seen it all, and I’m here to tell you that it’s not too late to get your child to (happily) stay in his own bed all night long. The trouble has trickled to the youngest grades. Sure, it can sometimes be lonely if you don’t provide ways for social interaction. (This is especially fun if you create an email address for your soon-to-be bundle of joy.) This gives you something exciting to do with guests that’ll keep you both from growing bored. wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock, Credit: Caring for a baby with a wet or dry cough? Bird watch out your window or while laying on a lounge chair I’m your backyard. If someone offers to help you in some way during bed rest, take them up on the offer. Mean kids aren't just a middle-school problem. I also love the cute cushions at The Pillow Fort. Read and study your Bible. Start a gratitude journal or write your goals for the new year or update your bullet journal. What can I do while on bed rest? When the littles are off to bed, grab a bowl of ice cream and turn on Ouija to get your heart pumping with its ultra-creepy girl-becomes-possessed premise. (Trust me, you won’t have much in a few months.) mongione/Shutterstock, Credit: Be warned though, once you start "how to"-ing on YouTube, you may not be able to stop. Finding things to do from bed can be challenging, but it's not impossible to find things that will help to pass the time and let you maintain your sanity as well. Start a Baby Journal. Light a scented candle, turn up some Enya, and get ready to treat yourself to an at-home spa experience. If kids are in the picture, try this Stop Motion Claymation Kit for hours of creative play together. Things were normal at first, but quickly changed when I was admitted to hospital bed rest at 25 weeks pregnant. Even if you aren’t local to your friend who is on bed rest, you can still do and be there for them! Play board and/or card games with your kids. Having fun while on bedrest…who knew that was even possible. You should be in bed all day long and may have restrictions to shower and toilet usage. Do range of motion (ROM) exercises as directed. However, despite all, there is a lot you CAN do while on bed rest to make it so much more enjoyable than many may initially think. – Redecorate with … Westend61/Getty Images, Credit: Write notes to your future baby or the future you about your pregnancy experience. There's no better time to brainstorm baby names than when you're couch-surfing for a couple of weeks or more. 1. fizkes/Shutterstock, Credit: From trendy to vintage to names on the verge of extinction, they're all worth a look when you're deciding on the best moniker for your mini. Purchase a drone, toy helicopter or similar device and learn how to operate it. After spending a total of 43 days in the hospital on strict bed rest, I … Bed rest obviously isn’t the time to start a new fitness regimen, but you may be surprised to learn that some gentle activity is often permissible (and even beneficial) during bed rest. Write a book. The 10 Things You Need To Survive Crate Rest *Some links in this post are Affiliate Links, (denoted by a *) which means that should you decide to purchase something using said link, we get a few pennies to help us keep our blog up and running. Say yes, thank you! Snuggle with your hubby. From color schemes to baby carriers, now is the perfect time for you to start choosing. 9 Totally Awesome Things to do for Someone on Bed Rest. So take the relative peace and quiet to check some items off your list. While in some cases you can sit and eat, other cases you can only stay reclined all the time. Get ready to Netflix like it's your job. Click the image above for $10 off your first online order! Bed rest during pregnancy can pose health risks, including: A blood clot in a deep vein, such as a vein in your leg (venous thromboembolism) Decreased bone mass (bone demineralization)

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