It was such a loving and caring environment that I decided to have my mother’s name added to the waiting list even though it looked like it would be a long wait. I intend, with the help of Your grace never more to offend You in the future; and at the present, wretched as I am, I consecrate myself wholly to You. You know how easily I abandon You. of the Holy Spirit. Amen. filled with infinite love, and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity. A New Book from Padre Pio Devotions. Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice You alone know and see all my troubles. "I have often raised my hand in the silence of the night and in my solitary cell,blessing you all and presenting you to Jesus and to our seraphic father, St. Francis of Assisi. Written by Diane Allen,  published by Padre Pio Press and containing 359 pages, the book is available on and at your local bookstore. Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, have pity on us. The Lord is with thee. The beauty of what I was beholding almost took my breath away and I could not take my eyes from the sight. “We should foster a social consciousness which will help us to meet the needs of our neighbors, and to discern and seek to remove the sources of injustice in society. in all your afflictions. She took me to the Alzheimer’s unit and introduced me to the head of Staff Development. Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of…, III. Pray for us, oh holy Mother of God, . I wish to add a candle to my prayer intention. show unto us Padre Pio and guardian angels Another aspect we would like to linger on about the figure of Padre Pio of Pietralcina is his special relationship with angels and, in particular, with the guardian angel. Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. the grace of (here state your petition). Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Pope John Paul II recited this prayer on the occasion of the canonization of Padre Pio, June 16, 2002. We likewise pledge ourselves to make the consoling practices of the Christian religion, and above all, Holy Communion, an integral part of our lives, in so far as we shall be able to do so. It is available for purchase at The short reflections, one for each day of the year, are also featured on the Daily Reflection page of this website. We consecrate to you our very being and our whole life; all that we have, all that we love, all that we are. II. what is truly Your holy will. O Lord, we ask for a boundless confidence and trust in Your divine mercy, and the courage to accept the crosses and sufferings which bring immense goodness to our souls and that of Your Church. St. Michael the Archangel, At various times during the day, Padre Pio would pause and pray, making a spiritual communion. yet loving me still; and follow You. Amen. Follow the  “Books”  link on this website for more information. conceived without sin, and fill my heart with the fire of Your holy love and draw me, I thank you for sending your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the world to save and to set me free. .No human anxiety or sorrow should leave the disciples of Jesus Christ indifferent. the temple of the Holy Spirit. To you do we cry, that I may never leave You alone Solanus Casey. Holiness is not the privilege of a few, but a gift to all.” – Pope John Paul II. Let us pray: Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts. She went to the hospital and again had a medical check-up and x-rays just before the operation. A forest of emerald colored trees surrounded the lake. It is actually a prayer composed by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, commonly called the “Efficacious Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” Typically, when someone asks us to pray for a specific intention, we have our “go-to” prayer.It might be the Rosary, an Our Father, or simply a heartfelt plea to God. We passed by a large room where many of the residents were gathered. to reach the Heavenly Father. Please help us. A friend of the lady, who knew of her problem, suggested to her: “write a letter to Padre Pio in order to ask for his prayers and help”.

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