When one employee responds negatively to the training, DiAngelo quips the person must have been put off by one of her Black female team members: “The white people,” she says, “were scared by Deborah’s hair.” (White priests of antiracism like DiAngelo seem universally to be more awkward and clueless around minorities than your average Trump-supporting construction worker). The New York Times wrote a salutary piece about high schoolers scanning social media accounts of peers for evidence of “anti-black racism” to make public, because what can go wrong with encouraging teenagers to start submarining each other’s careers before they’ve even finished growing? Become a paying subscriber Just join the free list, for now. I subscribed to this site b/c I admire *Hate, Inc.*: that news media leverage hate to score readers is exactly right. DiAngelo writes like a person who was put in timeout as a child for speaking clearly. Baseball statistics nerds have long been arguing about whether to put asterisks next to the records of white stars who never had to pitch to Josh Gibson, or hit against prime Satchel Paige or Webster McDonald. Chariton went onto Twitter to announce what happened, and after a few well-known media figures like Krystal Ball and Ryan Grim complained, YouTube restored the content. For your security, we need to re-authenticate you. He was mobbed on Twitter and then fired because he’d said something that appeared to be critical of riots and, by extension, could be seen as critical of Black Lives Matter protesters. If you've never seen a white person freak out when confronted with whatever demeaning/racist thing he or she said or did, then I think you're not paying attention. Robinson’s story, on every level, exposed and evangelized the truth about the very forces DiAngelo argues it rendered “invisible.”. Parents calling out their kids is also in vogue. A useful theory, if your business is selling teams of high-priced toxicity-hunters to corporations as next-generation versions of efficiency experts — in the fight against this disease, companies will need the help forever and ever. It won’t hurt the business model of the news media, which for decades now has been monetizing division and has known how to profit from moral panics and witch hunts since before Fleet street discovered the Mod/Rocker wars. How about Sue Schafer, the heretofore unknown graphic designer the Washington Post decided to out in a 3000-word article for attending a Halloween party two years ago in blackface (a failed parody of a different blackface incident involving Megyn Kelly)? This dingbat racialist cult, which has no art, music, literature, and certainly no comedy, is the vision of “progress” institutional America has chosen to endorse in the Trump era. Click the link we sent to , or click here to log in. Episodes feature on-the-road coverage of the 2020 campaign and exclusive interviews, with humor, commentary and dissection of the politics news of the week. © Copyright 2021 Rolling Stone, LLC, a subsidiary of Penske Business Media, LLC. Ideas that go through the English-DiAngelo translator usually end up significantly altered, as in this key part of the book when she addresses Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream,” speech: One line of King’s speech in particular—that one day he might be judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin—was seized upon by the white public because the words were seen to provide a simple and immediate solution to racial tensions: pretend that we don’t see race, and racism will end. Useful Idiots is an informative and irreverent politics podcast with journalist Matt Taibbi and podcaster/writer Katie Halper. Matt Taibbi first made a name for himself when he filed stories from Russia. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Clad in kente cloth scarves, the Democrats who crushed him will burn up CSPAN with homilies on privilege even as they reassure donors they’ll stay away from Medicare for All or the carried interest tax break. Except this isn’t a straightforward book about examining one’s own prejudices. A bizarre echo of North Korea’s “three generations of punishment” doctrine could be seen in the boycotts of Holy Land grocery, a well-known hummus maker in Minneapolis. In a phenomenon that will be familiar to students of Russian history, accusers are beginning to appear alongside the accused. Cancelations already are happening too fast to track. Want the full experience? 2019: A Year the News Media Would Rather Forget Corrections went out of style, bombshells fizzled, and too much of what we watched and read felt like insider propaganda TK News by Matt Taibbi. A Substack newsletter by Matt Taibbi. ... Damon also breaks down the recent events with Parler, and removing Trump from Twitter. The serious consequence of the Virginia episode was not so much the lost coverage … White Fragility is so milquetoast and merely scratches the surface of the structure of racism in our society. I wouldn't recommend it, but at least its a start. I don’t want people like that to keep getting jobs,” one 16 year-old said. DiAngelo doesn’t grasp the joke flopped and has to be told two days later that one of her web developer clients was offended. Start with the headline: Supporting the 2020 U.S. Election.YouTube in its company blog can’t even say, “Banning Election Conspiracy Theories.” They have to employ the Orwellian language of politicians — Healthy Forests, Clear Skies, “Supported” Elections — because Google and YouTube are now political actors, who can’t speak plainly any more than a drunk can walk … Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I -VT) attends the National Action Network's annual convention on April 5, 2019 in New York City. In a world where only a few ideas are considered important, redundancy is encouraged, e.g. Clearly, a situation needing fixing! My admiration for Taibbi’s big picture writing remains strong. If not, what are your ideas for how to stop the people in power from continuing to edge out whomever they can, i.e. Michael Korenberg, the chair of the board at the University of British Columbia, was forced to resign for liking tweets by Dinesh D’Souza and Donald Trump, which you might think is fine – but what about Latino electrical worker Emmanuel Cafferty, fired after a white activist took a photo of him making an OK symbol (it was described online as a “white power” sign)? “To be less white is to break with white silence and white solidarity, to stop privileging the comfort of white people,” or “Ruth Frankenberg, a premier white scholar in the field of whiteness, describes whiteness as multidimensional…”. The subtext is that Robinson finally had what it took to play with whites, as if no black athlete before him was strong enough to compete at that level. Regular news and features by award-winning author and investigative reporter. We oppose censorship from the standpoint that this is ultimately targeted at left-wing political opposition.”, In This Article: Meanwhile books like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird, which are both beautiful and actually anti-racist, have been banned, for containing the “N-word.” (White Fragility contains it too, by the way). Share on Twitter. How was this news? Taibbi: James Comey, the Would-Be J. Edgar Hoover The former FBI Director’s memoir obsesses about lies, sincerity and conscience – and offers few tangible answers In researching I Can’t Breathe, I met civil rights activists who recounted decades of struggle to remove race from the law. “When there is disequilibrium in the habitus — when social cues are unfamiliar and/or when they challenge our capital — we use strategies to regain our balance,” she says (“People taken out of their comfort zones find ways to deal,” according to Google Translate). Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi said Thursday that voters don’t care about Russian interference in U.S. elections. Three years ago a popular Canadian writer named Hal Niedzviecki was denounced for expressing the opinion that “anyone, anywhere, should be encouraged to imagine other peoples, other cultures, other identities." It’s been mind-boggling to watch White Fragility celebrated in recent weeks. Plus, Andre Damon joins the hosts to discuss how censorship is bad for the left. DiAngelo isn’t the first person to make a buck pushing tricked-up pseudo-intellectual horseshit as corporate wisdom, but she might be the first to do it selling Hitlerian race theory. Early life and education. Matt Taibbi: I'm 'Mortified And Sorry' For Rolling Stone UVA Story The tweets come on the heels of reports calling the veracity of the Rolling Stone article into question, and the magazine By In recent weeks it’s been abandoned by clients and seen its lease pulled because of racist tweets made by the CEO’s 14 year-old daughter eight years ago. Yet these ideas are taking America by storm. One of the central tenets of DiAngelo’s book (and others like it) is that racism cannot be eradicated and can only be managed through constant, “lifelong” vigilance, much like the battle with addiction. Later, he published provocative pieces in Rolling Stone, including an obituary for Andrew Breitbart titled, “Death of a Douche.”. In other cases, as in the instance of a gun-rights rally held at the Virginia State Capitol — many of whose attendees were apparently vocal opponents of Trump — livestream coverage by indy outlets like Jordan Chariton’s Status Coup was shut down, allegedly because it violated Google’s “firearms policy.”. The parent worried when one son was asked to fill out an application for a potential college roommate and expressed annoyance at having to specify race, because “I don’t care about race.”. DiAngelo’s writing style is pure pain. 376 replies by Matt Taibbi and others Jonathan W. Jun 29, 2020 We've seen so many Black people being brutalized recently and on the streets protesting for their rights, while people are sitting and arguing the merits of the latest "woke of the week" book. Why so defensive, Matt? Robinson’s story moreover did not render “whites, white privilege, and racist institutions invisible.” It did the opposite. John Sexton Posted at 6:41 pm on June 18, 2020. Under pressure from people like this, companies might address long-overdue inequities in boardroom diversity. The news comes in advance of Wednesday’s House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on “traditional media’s role in promoting disinformation and extremism.”. She was fired, of course. Imagine if instead, the story went something like this: “Jackie Robinson, the first black man whites allowed to play major-league baseball.”. How to recognize the knee-jerk discomfort/embarrassment/shame of being called out for acting superior-- and then let it go, and so maybe we might learn something. “For the first time in the entire four years of Trump’s tenure, I’m worried on a very severe level,” says Matt. This is an important passage because rejection of King’s “dream” of racial harmony — not even as a description of the obviously flawed present, but as the aspirational goal of a better future — has become a central tenet of this brand of antiracist doctrine mainstream press outlets are rushing to embrace. 2020 election, Andrew Cuomo, Capitol, Capitol Riot, Donald Trump, Google, Matt Taibbi, Trump, Useful Idiots. We’ve been in a trend where belief and trust in the news media has been on a downward planed trajectory for some time now. Our hosts are joined by Andre Damon, who brings a unique perspective on the power of big tech companies, specifically Google, in suppressing reporting in its search algorithm for what Google calls “algorithmic updates to surface more authoritative content.”. Maybe because it fits. For “Democrats Suck,” Katie submits New York Gov. Robinson is often celebrated as the first African American to break the color line…, While Robinson was certainly an amazing baseball player, this story line depicts him as racially special, a black man who broke the color line himself. It sees the human being as locked into one of three categories: members of oppressed groups, allies, and white oppressors. Why was ruining this person’s life necessary? Damon gives the backstory about this practice, and what happened with his company the Wold Socialist Web Site. I'm unsubscribing from you after your last two posts. There’s a deal to be made here, greased by the fact that the “antiracism” prophets promoted in books like White Fragility share corporate Americas instinctive hostility to privacy, individual rights, freedom of speech, etc. This is just "Let's get nasty about something naughty to get nasty about!" I'm realizing that the grift never ends. Fact check Pelosi does not … Rather than address those potential issues, Democrats ran more or less entirely on Trump’s negatives. For corporate America the calculation is simple. DiAngelo instructs us there is nothing to be done here, except “strive to be less white.” To deny this theory, or to have the effrontery to sneak away from the tedium of DiAngelo’s lecturing – what she describes as “leaving the stress-inducing situation” – is to affirm her conception of white supremacy. October 14, ... Google, and Twitter – under pressure from the Senate ... Matthew C. Taibbi is an American author and journalist. matter, among other things by hiring thousands of DiAngelos to institute codes for the proper mode of Black-white workplace interaction. In Slate, “Making a Mountain Out of a Molehill” wrote to advice columnist Michelle Herman in a letter headlined, “I think I’ve screwed up the way my kids think about race.” The problem, the aggrieved parent noted, was that his/her sons had gone to a diverse school, and their “closest friends are still a mix of black, Hispanic, and white kids,” which to them was natural. It doesn't address her argument; it's not clear whether or not Taibbi has actually read the DiAngelo's book. reduces everything, even the smallest and most innocent human interactions, to racial power contests. But this is such a dismissive slam of DiAngelo. We've seen so many Black people being brutalized recently and on the streets protesting for their rights, while people are sitting and arguing the merits of the latest "woke of the week" book. Review: Griftopia–Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America. Last week, an Oregon County casually exempted “people of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling” from a Covid-19 related mask order. This sequence of events is ominous because a similar matched set of hearings and interrogations back in 2017 — when Senators like Mazie Hirono at a Judiciary Committee hearing demanded … Other independents covering the rally, however, like Andrew Kimmel, never had their content restored. A day later, facing intense public pressure and threats of Senate inquiry, the company relented and said it would change its policy.Twitter’s legal chief, the New York Times said, was worried that the firm “could end up blocking content from journalists,” implying that it hadn’t already done just that.The company said it would henceforth allow similar content to be … Have the people hyping this impressively crazy book actually read it? The latter said Niedzviecki “doesn’t see the humanity of indigenous peoples.” Last week, Benaway herself was denounced on Twitter for failing to provide proof that she was Indigenous. I’m surprised that number isn’t higher frankly. That this speech was held up as the framework for American race relations for more than half a century precisely because people of all races understood King to be referring to a difficult and beautiful long-term goal worth pursuing is discounted, of course. Corporate America doubtless views the current protest movement as something that can be addressed as an H.R. Please, I think I’ve screwed up the way my kids think about race. On either side. In despair, she writes, “I seek out a friend who is white and has a solid understanding of cross-racial dynamics.”. Of course the upside such consultants can offer is an important one. What’s easier, giving up business models based on war, slave labor, and regulatory arbitrage, or benching Aunt Jemima? Josh Hawley Has Some Thoughts About 'Complicity' in the Insurrection He Helped Incite, BTS Cover Coldplay, Perform ‘Telepathy’ for First Time During ‘MTV Unplugged’, Watch Iggy Pop’s New ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’ Video, Samsung’s BTS Earbuds Are on Sale, With This Buy One, Get One Deal on Galaxy Buds+ BTS Edition, Josh Hawley Has Some Thoughts About ‘Complicity’ in the Insurrection He Helped Incite, Massive New Collection of Jim Morrison Writings to See Release in June. Matt Taibbi: Yeah I’m actually surprised, first of all thank you Adam for having me on. He offers what he thinks is the best approach for protecting speech rights: “We seek to mobilize the working class in defense of its democratic rights, of its right to know the truth. It takes a special kind of ignorant for an author to choose an example that illustrates the mathematical opposite of one’s intended point, but this isn’t uncommon in White Fragility, which may be the dumbest book ever written. I guess the relationship between N* Jim and Huck Finn provides a more realistic way to bridge America's racial divides and "love each other".....You could at least suggested some Richard Wright or Toni Morrison. White Fragility is based upon the idea that human beings are incapable of judging each other by the content of their character, and if people of different races think they are getting along or even loving one another, they probably need immediate antiracism training. Color blindness was now promoted as the remedy for racism, with white people insisting that they didn’t see race or, if they did, that it had no meaning to them. “Someone rly started a Google doc of racists and their info for us to ruin their lives… I love twitter,” wrote a different person, adding cheery emojis. Robinson uncovered a generation of job inflation for mediocre white ballplayers in a dramatic example of “privilege” that was keenly understood by baseball fans of all races fifty years before White Fragility. Share on Facebook. This notion that color-blindness is itself racist, one of the main themes of White Fragility, could have amazing consequences. This sequence of events is ominous because a similar matched set of hearings and interrogations back in 2017 — when Senators like Mazie Hirono at a Judiciary Committee hearing demanded … “My analysis of Trump, and maybe I was wrong, was always that his potential for damage was always limited because he had no institutional backing.… But the one thing that Trump does have, the one massive anti-superpower that he has, is the ability to impact the behavior of his followers.”. “It’s not just his his ability to influence his supporters, it’s his unwillingness to rein them in,” adds Katie. With a full commitment to the program of psychological ablutions outlined in the book, one may strive for a “less white identity,” but again, DiAngelo explicitly rejects the Kingian goal of just trying to love one another as impossible, for two people born with different skin colors. Send us a tip using our anonymous form. “People who go to college end up becoming racist lawyers and doctors. Ironically, Donald Trump does something similar, only with words like “AMAZING!” and “SAD!” that are simultaneously more childish and livelier. The parent asked if someone who didn’t care about race was “just as racist as someone who only has white friends” and asked if it was “too late” to do anything. Katie and Matt also consider avenues of defusing tensions among the American people, and if a less vitriolic strategy can get better results. I’m surprised that number isn’t higher frankly. What a bumper crop of Hate. No fear, Herman wrote: it’s never too late for kids like yours to educate themselves. At a time of catastrophe and national despair, when conservative nationalism is on the rise and violent confrontation on the streets is becoming commonplace, it’s extremely suspicious that the books politicians, the press, university administrators, and corporate consultants alike are asking us to read are urging us to put race even more at the center of our identities, and fetishize the unbridgeable nature of our differences. When has it ever? You've got the knee-jerk discomfort/embarrassment/shame part down pretty good, Matt, I think. Andrew Cuomo’s tweet that the economy must reopen before the vaccine is disseminated en masse. Matt Taibbi: 219: 786: Share . He is currently a contributing editor for Rolling Stone. He reportedly was forced out of the Writer’s Union of Canada for the crime of “cultural appropriation,” and denounced as a racist by many, including a poet named Gwen Benaway. The downside, which we’re already seeing, is that organizations everywhere will embrace powerful new tools for solving professional disputes, through a never-ending purge. Why? Julian Assange Must Never Be Extradited The second indictment of the Wikileaks co-founder seems designed to force the British to deny extradition. His story has always been understood as a complex, long-developing political tale about overcoming violent systemic oppression. I heard stories of lawyers who were physically threatened for years in places like rural Arkansas just for trying to end explicit hiring and housing discrimination and other remnants of Jim Crow. By Matt Taibbi. Taibbi’s new book, The Business Secrets of Drug Dealing (OR Books, $20) is described as “an almost true account.” Taibbi blurs the line between fact and fiction. Want more Rolling Stone? He has reported on politics, media, finance, and sports. This intellectual equivalent of the “ordeal by water” (if you float, you’re a witch) is orthodoxy across much of academia. ... “Useful Idiots” co-host Katie Halper and I won’t be live-chugging on video tonight, but I’ll be playing along on Twitter… Hopefully that kid with the Black and Hispanic friends can be cured! Using random quotes from DiAngelo for target practice. No, you may not touch my penis at this time!” – has a good shot of becoming standard at every transnational corporation, law firm, university, newsroom, etc. The movement that calls itself “antiracism” – I think it deserves that name a lot less than “pro-lifers” deserve theirs and am amazed journalists parrot it without question – is complete in its pessimism about race relations. Balance isn’t about giving credulous coverage or equal time … If your category is “white,” bad news: you have no identity apart from your participation in white supremacy (“Anti-blackness is foundational to our very identities… Whiteness has always been predicated on blackness”), which naturally means “a positive white identity is an impossible goal.”. those with the least power, a group that consistently includes blacks? REVIEW: The Divide – American Injustice in the Ago of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi. We want to hear from you! Democratic Party leaders, pioneers of the costless gesture, have already embraced this performative race politics as a useful tool for disciplining apostates like Bernie Sanders. The Grayzone's Aaron Maté, Matt Taibbi, and Katie Halper denies that Trump incited the mob, falsely suggests that Nancy Pelosi is to be blamed for the Capitol attack, and falsely claims she spurned security measures. In 2016, Clinton spent nearly a billion … Who thinks creating different laws for different racial categories is going to end well? After DiAngelo confesses her feelings of embarrassment, shame and guilt to the enlightened white cross-racial dynamics expert (everyone should have such a person on speed-dial), she approaches the offended web developer. The lexicon favored by intersectional theorists of this type is built around the same principles as Orwell’s Newspeak: it banishes ambiguity, nuance, and feeling and structures itself around sterile word pairs, like racist and antiracist, platform and deplatform, center and silence, that reduce all thinking to a series of binary choices. Matt Taibbi's Most Recent Stories. Where we reside on the spectrum of righteousness is, they say, almost entirely determined by birth, a view probably shared by a lot of 4chan readers. 14.8k Followers, 658 Following, 73 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) The concept, as articulated in books like former corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility (Amazon’s #1 seller!) There is not a single baseball fan anywhere – literally not one, except perhaps Robin DiAngelo, I guess – who believes Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier because he “finally had what it took to play with whites.” Everyone familiar with this story understands that Robinson had to be exceptional, both as a player and as a human being, to confront the racist institution known as Major League Baseball. Do you think racism is over now? To help, she linked to a program of materials designed for just that purpose, a “Lesson Plan for Being An Ally,” that included a month of readings of… White Fragility. Damon also breaks down the recent events with Parler, and removing Trump from Twitter. New Top Community What is TK News by Matt Taibbi? Taibbi was born in 1970 in New Brunswick, New Jersey to Mike Taibbi, an NBC television reporter, and his wife. Sign up for our newsletter. Rush Limbaugh, Who Should Have Stayed Jeff Christie A pioneer, and not in a good way. This dialogue straight out of South Park – “Is it okay if I touch your penis? For DiAngelo to suggest history should re-cast Robinson as “the first black man whites allowed to play major league baseball” is grotesque and profoundly belittling. White Fragility has a simple message: there is no such thing as a universal human experience, and we are defined not by our individual personalities or moral choices, but only by our racial category. “We really draw a distinction between the censorship of left-wing political organizations and the action taken by Twitter to remove Trump’s Twitter account under conditions where he’s actively inciting violence against his political opponents and attempting to overthrow democratic forms in the United States,” says Damon. This is part of a larger piece that will be made available to subscribers later this week: A core principle of the academic movement that shot through elite schools in America since the early nineties was the view that individual rights, humanism, and the democratic process are all just stalking-horses for white supremacy. If you’re wondering what that might look like, here’s DiAngelo explaining how she handled the fallout from making a bad joke while she was “facilitating antiracism training” at the office of one of her clients.

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