Have a Free Meeting with one of our hand picked tutors from the UK’s top universities. Furthermore, there was widespread suspicion of parliamentary democracy and growing disrespect of the weak coalition governments formed as a result of the introduction of proportional representation. The student’s essay is followed by a ‘Things to note’ section in which I reflect on what is bad and what is good about the student’s answer, and what lessons should be drawn from it in tackling compare and contrast questions for IB History. Do NOT have the first half of your essay discussing one of your two case studies and the other half discussing the other case study. Do this instead of just thinking about what information you will include. Compare and contrast is just one of a number of skills you will need to perfect, for more guidance on how to write strong IB History essays, visit our IB History subject page where you’ll find my articles on keeping your writing focused and how to integrate different perspectives into your essays. The answer should address both key components of the question equally. When studying a particular subject, students are often asked to write essays that compare and contrast various aspects of that area of study. Compare and Contrast Essay Structure and Outline. Why is there no proper introduction and why is the first half of the essay not answering the question? Note that these are examples only. As in Italy before Mussolini came to power when the liberal government was discredited by its handling of the First World War, in China before 1949, the Guomindang regime was discredited by its undistinguished conduct of the Sino-Japanese War and its passive approach to the Japanese occupation of one third of China. Like essay writing, for example. One to one online tution can be a great way to brush up on your History knowledge. Compare and contrast papers rely heavily on factual analysis. Maintain your concentration and don’t overthink. Let's take an example of comparing and contrasting the consolidation of power of two different Communist leaders, Stalin and Mao Tse-tung. Before World War I and World War II, women at home had the roles of maintaining duties for their family and children, such as cleaning, caring for the house, and cooking for the family. The other one is … Compare and contrast Give an account of similarities and differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both Compare and contrast the impact on women of the policies of two authoritarian states, each chosen from a different region. Paper 1 is one of the final exams for all IB DP History students. Ib history compare and contrast essay >>> CLICK HERE Definition essay example respect The animal liberation movement peter singer introduction: over the last few years, the in this essay i shall try to answer these questions. Is it a good idea to involve historiography in my examination answer? Discuss this statement with reference to two authoritarian states from different regions. NerdyTutor. Mussolini, like many others, felt that Italy had been badly remunerated at the Versailles Treaty for its war effort and that the Treaty of London of 1915 which had brought it into the war had not been adhered to. Compare and contrast essays are very common at university, and you may have come across them before. I am planning to work with your essay writing company in the future. People’s Courts were established where thousands of landowners who refused to accept state confiscation of their land were condemned to death and Mao ordered that in successive five year plans the land be collectivised (first by the establishment of mutual aid teams by the cadres, then co-operatives and finally collectives). It is common to be assigned to write essays in all areas of study, not just when taking a composition course. Because the student probably did not spend 4 or 5 minutes planning his/her answer before starting to write their answer. Even when students take a certain course because they are really interested in the subject, this still doesn’t Compare And Contrast Essay Ib History mean that they enjoy every aspect of it. For example, in a social studies course, a class is working on a unit about the places where people live: rural, urban, and suburban. It was only after he was invited to form a government with considerable powers for one year that he showed off his organisational skills and organised the Squadristi into the volunteer militia that terrorised opponents and made it possible for him to pass the Acerbo Electoral Law which would give him total control of parliament following elections in 1924. The Great Terror accompanied by Great Purge launched a succession of trials against prominent figures of Politburo that could threaten Stalin's complete grasp on power and who in consequence had to be eliminated. To what extent did changes in military tactics and strategies determine the outcome of twentieth wars? We respect your privacy. You can also see his analysis of an example … Paragraph 5 starts off with a clear and effective statement on the ideological differences between the two authoritarian states, agreeing with the statement in the question that this is what distinguishes them from each other most: ‘In ideological terms, Mussolini’s Italy based on Fascism and Mao’s China which upheld Marxist principles, can clearly be seen as very different, indeed poles apart, and this is the most distinguishing feature between the two authoritarian states.’. They allow you to see the bigger picture, to compare and contrast and to think more analytically and critically about events in the past. Concepts, themes and categories play an important role in the IB History course. It’s all about being able to understand, infer, and deduce. In conclusion, therefore, it is apparent through these examples that the methods by which authoritarian states emerge often are similar and that their differences lie principally in what they preach and offer as explanations for economic and social policies rather on the methods they use to acquire power or indeed to maintain it. I know it's a key component of the paper 2, but I also want to do well as it will finally give me that push up to a 6 with a really strict, demanding teacher. Check that your first sentence (the ‘key’ sentence) of each paragraph of your essay is making a statement that directly and explicitly relates to a similarity or difference between the two authoritarian states or democratic states or wars that you are writing about. The fascist party had been founded by Mussolini as the Fasci di Combattimento in 1919 as a response to the growing resentment over the war and liberal government’s failure to tackle the post-war economic crisis which saw unemployment reach 2 million. Below, you will see an IB History student’s essay on a question relating to authoritarian states: ‘Authoritarian states can be most clearly distinguished from each other by their ideologies since the methods they pursue to acquire power often coincide’. These reasons coupled with fear of communism, especially after the successful Russian Revolution, meant that there was an upsurge in right-wing feeling in Italy. What is the best way to approach an essay plan in a time-pressured exam based environment? Our cheap essay Ib History Paper 2 Example Essays writing service has already gained a positive reputation in this business field. considered (for example, compare or contrast; reasons or significance; methods or success), then examiners should not be afraid of using the full range of marks allowed for by the markscheme: as such , responses that offer good coverage of some … Below is an overview of the key concepts built into the course. Each guide offers a thorough review of syllabus topics, examples of how to answer exam questions, and opportunities to practice developing key skills. IB History Paper 2 - World History Questions TOPIC 1 – CAUSES, PRACTICES AND EFFECTS OF WAR 1. In terms of similarities, it is not just in their methods to acquire power that authoritarian states are similar, it can be clearly seen that in both Mao’s China and Mussolini’s Italy, civil liberties were destroyed and any form of opposition repressed. One is flashy, cocky and flamboyant. Similarly, just as widespread resentment of the Italian government’s failure to tackle the post-First World War economic crisis created the opportunity for Mussolini to win a mass following, dissatisfaction in China at the Guomindang’s failure to control hyper-inflation eroded support for Chiang Kai-shek’s regime and played a key part in generating support for the CCP Nevertheless, immediately striking is the fact that Mao’s politics were absolute and clearly determined from the outset so that he and his followers were committed to an ideal and rejected any form of pragmatic adaptation. It involves the study of a va- ... • compare and contrast the views of the Conference presented in different sources IB History Ms. Noce June 8, 2014 There are two welterweight boxers that many boxing fans compare and contrast with them, and always there is an argument of which one is the pound-for-pound king in today’s boxing. … IB History Paper 1. Having, however, failed to capture the public’s imagination, he was forced to alter the Fascist programme in a show of true pragmatism when he created the National Fascist Party, omitting some of the more socialist ideals (8 hour working day, equality for women and the confiscation of war profits) and developing a more right-wing view that favoured capitalists such as big industrialists and landowners and grew to support the monarchy. 150+ team of professional academic writers is a at your servise 24/7to take care of your essay and thesis writing problems. Compare And Contrast Story Essay Examples, holiday homework dldav model school pitampura, homework help algebra 1 answers, writing process essay The conclusion does effectively restate the key points of the arguments made in the essay and keeps focused on similarities and differences. We work 24/7, and we are always Ib History Compare And Contrast Essay Example available to help you. In this article, our IB HIstory expert and author, Joe Gauci, shares his top tips on how to write an effective compare and contrast essay for your IB History exams. books@peakib.com | Tel (UK): +44 (0) 330 113 5644 | More contact details, Your companion to the IB Diploma Programme, History SL & HL Paper 2: Authoritarian States China 1911-1976, History SL & HL Paper 2 Authoritarian States: Italy 1914-1945. In Italy, Mussolini came to power in 1922 following his “March on Rome” which pressurised King Victor Emmanuel to invite him to form a government. In fact, they cannot be answering the question because the student is ONLY looking at Italy in those 3 paragraphs and the question demands direct comparison or contrast of Italy with China (his/her chosen two case studies). In this article, I explore how to write a good compare and contrast essay by sharing some top tips and reviewing an example answer. Compare Give an account of the similarities between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout. Example of a good law essay essay history example compare and Ib contrast critical thinking philosophy lecture notes and contrast history compare Ib essay example intro in narrative essay: pollution prevention research paper college essay for penn state essay on best day of life. If you’re in need of some tools to help you structure your IB exam preparation then you can also purchase our popular range of IB History study guides, including those that focus on China and Italy as authoritarian states among others. In paragraph 4, the student, at last, focuses on the question by beginning to analyse the similarities and differences between the two authoritarian states: ‘Mao’s communist dictatorship in China can be seen to have adopted similar measures for its acquisition of power, having done so by force in eliminating an unpopular Guomindang government following the Chinese Civil War (1946-49).’. In contrast to Mussolini, who in upholding the capitalist system, despite his rhetoric about corporatism, favoured the landowners and big industrialists who formed one of the pillars of Italian society (along with the, Army, the Church and the King), Mao, as a committed Marxist, sought to immediately eliminate such pillars in Chinese society as soon as he came to power in 1949 as part of the process of establishing a classless society. role of women at home during World War I and World War II. This guide will help you understand exactly what's expected of you, and give the structure you'll need to write a high grading essay of your own. 6. Ib history compare and contrast essay >>> click here Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you essay Therefore, we must have a clear mind and think thoroughly before making any decisions generally, making our own decision is one of the. With reference to one medieval ruler, evaluate the importance of non-military methods as a means to expand and consolidate their rule. Firstly, an introduction is crucial in identifying to the IB examiner the key components of your answer and the line of argument you will take.

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