They're mammals so the water has to go somewhere. How do … Whales, in general, are not capable of swallowing a human being and therefore will not eat you. On average, a whale will eat 4% of its body weight as long as there is enough food readily available. The process by which whales locate their food and intake their food differs depending on the particular whale species. Generally they will eat smaller sized fish and other items in the water. For example, humpback whales eat krill. For example the Blue Whale can hold up to 2,200 pounds of food before it is a top capacity. Here’s some information on how whales eat their food, specifically for the baleen whale and the toothed whale. Right, minke, fin and sei whales also have baleen plates. However, there is a species of whales that does pose a legitimate challenge to that general theory: sperm whales. Sperm whales would rather eat squid, which require little chewing, and not the hairy, bony things we are. Whales are marine mammals and like all mammals they require air to breathe and must come to the surface of the water to take in oxygen.. They group them up and swallow as much as they can. They then push the water back out using their baleen plates as a strainer, keeping the food in their mouths. Whales with teeth will find it very difficult to eat this food source as they wont have any way to catch or filter the food from the water. Some types of whales have very large stomachs so they don’t eat every day. Blue whales, which have baleen plates, feed by taking huge mouthfuls of water and food. Sperm whales sometimes swallow squid whole, so it could definitely manage a human. For most whales and dolphins, however, we simply do not know how they get their water, because it … For example, in some areas of the world humpback whales use bubble net feeding: A few whales called “The Herders” circle a school of fish into a ball Imagine you’re on a ship sailing smoothly on the ocean. of this. What Do Whales Eat? That’s not to say sperm whales haven’t swallowed more than squid. The location of whales in the ocean determines the type of prey that is available to eat. Unlike fish these marine mammals are not equipped with gills, which fish and other aquatic animals use to extract oxygen from water; Instead whales need to rise to the surface of the water to inhale and exhale oxygen through their blowholes. Likewise, some seals will eat snow to get fresh water. In fact, there’s a story of a sailor being swallowed by a sperm whale off the Falkland Islands in the early 1900s. The blue whale is the king (queen!) Here's a blue whale lunge-feeding: And here’s a full mouthful: And here is a blue whale with an empty mouth: Filter-feeders like blue whales are baleen whales. ... Their food sources are very small so the baleens help to filter the food from the water before swallowing their food. In addition, how they find their food can vary, too.

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