Our program is designed to accommodate YOUR pace. This opportunity may be withdrawn without notice. We accompanied Jesus Christ in the Holy Land. The presence of the Invisible Chiefs remain as sacred teachers and guardians of our Order. Christ taught our doctrine in secrecy to the seventy disciples. Online Mystery School leading to initiation into the Ancient Wisdom Western Mysteries Secret Teachings Egyptian Mystery Schools For more than 3,000 years, the mystery schools of Egypt have epitomized the ultimate in secret wisdom and knowledge. The Lesser Mysteries are a preparation of the neophyte for initiation in the Greater Mysteries through various degrees of purification and discipline combined with training in intellectual and spiritual perception. A key part of the Law of Attraction is understanding that where you place your focus has an intense impact on what happens to you. (Jacob Bohme, Meister Eckhart, Hildegarde of Bingen). The ancient teachings of light come alive in our expanded school of modern day magic. The Mystery School is a dynamic learning environment for elements of the ancient Mystery Schools. The School’s deeper emphasis is on experiencing the Divine, experiencing your spiritual self, directly. We are strict in following the traditions of the ancients, but we are also open to new teachings designed for what we humans are facing right now right here on this sacred rock. We are now opening the authentic Initiatic Colleges.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Greater Mysteries, Thelema Press. Many believe that the teachings of the Egyptian mystery schools originated from Atlantis from Thoth, from the God Osiris, or/and from the stars. Negative forces, and they do exist, are kept out by banishings and protections called wardings. It may even use you as a tool or a mouthpiece. These schools were born in time's very beginnings on our planet, thriving through the days of early Egypt and Greece.. Out of the mystery schools recorded in our history came some of the most illustrious souls to shine on this earth- Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates, Plotinus, Aristotle, … Ancient Mystery Schools The teachings known as Pathways to Self Mastery include many branches of wisdom that have been taught previously on the planet in the Ancient Mystery Schools. A fully contacted school, SOL was formally established as an independent esoteric school in 1972 by WE Butler and Gareth Knight. Christ taught our doctrine in secrecy to the seventy disciples. You read the material, (which comes from all manner of exciting sources), answer the questions, try the exercises, fill out any workbook pages on the website then send in your answers via e-mail. © All material on this Website is Copyrighted © 1999 - 2017 by the Esoteric Interfaith Church, Inc. All rights reserved. The teachings are not merely intellectual; you will not be wallowing in shallow water but delving into deep religion / spirituality. If you don’t want to take four years just to get through the first degree, you can do it in four weeks! Several others followed in 2000 and 2003 on the platform eGroups (which took over OneList) and then eGroups merged with … If you want to study esoterica and the broader mysteries of the western wisdom tradition, crack the mysteries of the DaVinci Code, restore the Sacred Feminine to Judeo-Christianity from which She was yanked, study the sacred union teachings of Mary Magdalene, Sophia, the Knights Templar, Angelic mysteries, the art of the Magi and more…you have come to the right place, please scroll down to read more…, “Stand at the crossroads and look, and ask for the ancient paths, By focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. The Society of The Inner Light The Society of the Inner Light is a Mystery School within the Western Esoteric Tradition, founded by Dion Fortune. We were burnt alive in the flames of the Roman Catholic inquisition. We are a legally incorporated non-profit organization. I know that you are seeking to empower yourself through the  ancient mystery's of Magic. When you become a member of the Golden Dawn Ancient Mystery School (Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn)  You will be on the road to becoming a master of ancient Hermetic teachings, Qabalah,  The Magic of Light and much more.. So watch out when you join our ranks….. ! Unlike many fraternities who keep you in the dark for years, our mission and goal is to quickly and yet safely awaken your latent powers. After you reach a certain level, you may be asked to help with the instruction of newer members. Each member and instructor is required to join our email discussion list. The Mystery School at the Sacred Center for the Healing Arts is anything but remote and esoteric. What you learn will then lead you to fulfilling whatever task, mission or destiny the Divine has set you on this planet for. are in their entirety that which we call Gnosis or Gnosticism. I shall look forward to working with you. A modern day Mystery School providing the only magical and esoteric training to fully address emotional, mental and spiritual development, integrating the ancient spiritual wisdom of the West with the latest psychological techniques from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). The Nine Gates Mystery School is an interspiritual experience of total immersion with 10 Master Teachers from the Celtic, African, Native American, Spiritual Psychology, Sufi, esoteric Christian, Hindu, Sound Healing, Kabbalah, and Buddhist wisdom traditions. If you are open-minded, yet discreet, and are actively seeking the divine—it will come to you and manifest through you. We can provide astral initiations and advancements for those who seek the light of the Golden Dawn; hunger for knowledge and spiritual, magical transformation but do not live by a temple. Both members must sign the pledge and fill out separate applications. Everyone’s heard of them–they’re the Black Magick practitioners. This means share the secrets and let the seeker choose what she or he can handle. Their leaders often think certain teachings are “too dangerous” or “best left alone.” We believe in share the knowledge. Imperator General of the Order of the Esoteric Golden Dawn. Yes, we have degrees, with different colored robes, patches, sashes, secret hand signals, passwords, etc; but it is easy to climb the ranks, and no one gets any power kicks or they get kicked somewhere else… Prepare to move your life from where you’re at to where you want to be. This only scratches the surface. Our mission is to eliminate the sufferings of all living beings, to firm the seeds of humanity and to turn the wheel of the true teachings. Lessons will come to you via e-mail and website pages. You will Learn the ancient mysteries of the Hermetic Qabalah. Source for information on Egyptian Mystery Schools… If the line needs “reviving,” the Guides will take it to any new students open enough to receive such a dispensation. The Sethani, Peratae, Carpocratians, Nazarenes and Essenes are Gnostic. Our focus is esotericism (especially Esoteric Christianity), true gnostic teachings, hermeticism and the world’s wisdom traditions. I promise you that, by joining the Golden Dawn Ancient Mystery School you will lean how to use Magic to not only improve your own life but also for those around you. When the Guardians of the Knowledge want to dispense the ancient teachings, they do so. They keep us on the right track, lead us to the right materials hidden in dusty out of print books, manuscripts in hidaway places, to special unknown meanings behind Bible verses or buried in the Bible code itself. The College is a non-sectarian metaphysical organization formed to teach humankind an awareness of itself and its relationship to the universe. The Esoteric Mystery School facilitates the following Orders: The EsotericMystery School has been called the most complete, most affordable, non-stuffy, non-boring initiatic western style Mystery School in existence today. Six of these schools are closed to the public. The Esoteric Mystery School is in contact with these forces, powers and energies. However, only the chosen few accept their cosmic destiny and take action to become a member of our ancient mystery school of magic and light. Hanmi Esoteric Mystery School. There is no danger in positive, righteous Great-Working. We are also accepting candidates for the Holy Orders study program. They deal with that which must be known before the initiate consciousness can be developed.Emphasis in the past has been upon subjective but nevertheless material forces (hid… Ancestral teachings such as shamanism, Celtic, Teutonic and Native American (to name a few) also have their place in our lessons, as do world mythology, Jungian thought, Ken Wilber and other liberating philosophies. to Adept and Mage or Presvyter(a) / Priest in your own time. The first one launched in March of 1999 using Onelist. The name Sa-mael, a Hebrew angel of death also known as Shaitan or Satan, means in Hebrew, “blinded by [or to] the Divine.” He was one bad dude who shut his eyes to the positive forces in the universe and focused solely on the negative hurtful energies. When you become a member of Our Order, your initiation, either physically or astrally will drastically shift your energy. The Sethani, Peratae, Carpocratians, Nazarenes and Essenes are Gnostic. There are Guardians and Guides — real entities behind symbols like the Rose and the Cross, the Dove and the Eagle, the East, Water, etc. You will instantly begin living an amazing life of pure magic and light. The Mysteries and Esoteric Witchcraft Author: Rhys Chisnall "The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. We are not improvising opportunist doctrines. Attending a mystery school in the past was typically a life-long path as uniting the heart, mind and soul takes time and dedication. MacGregor Mathers. You can become as powerful as your aspirations will take you. For example: new discoveries of ancient manuscripts, artifacts and teachings. We were burnt alive in the flames of the Roman Catholic inquisition. With deep roots in Ancient Egyptian Ritual Magic, the Qabalah and teachings on personal empowerment through the Law of Attraction. If you are here, you are supposed to be. 3 BUILDERS OF THE ADYTUM BUILDERS OF THE ADYTUM(B.O.T.A.) When you become a member of Our Order, your initiation, either physically or astrally will drastically shift your energy. Ultimately the goal of any magician is to “cause reality to conform to will.” If you have been directed to this site, there is likely a cosmic reason you are here. S.A. Woer said of esoteric “occult” Christians: “We were thrown to the lions in the circuses of Rome, and we celebrated our rituals in the catacombs. This only scratches the surface. Monthly dues are $25, but new members must pay for 3 months in advance, which is $75. Western esotericism, also known as esotericism, esoterism, and sometimes the Western mystery tradition, is a term under which scholars have categorised a wide range of loosely related ideas and movements which have developed within Western society.These ideas and currents are united by the fact that they are largely distinct both from orthodox Judeo-Christian religion and … “Many are called, few are chosen,” was one of Yeshua’s favorite catch-phrases. There are 7 Ancient Mystery Schools on the planet. If you would like to join us, you must fill out the Mystery School Application. Those familiar with ceremonial magic will recognize these concepts. After over 45 years of researching, channelling, and teaching metaphysical concepts and techniques, the College of Esoteric Education is proud to present the results of its research which are currently being published and will only be available to members of the Sirian Mystery School. The Esoteric Mystery School is an ancient and unbroken spiritual lineage offering true, universal non-dogmatic path of progression for those who seek a true spiritual adventure. Read more about Fall 2021 Mystery School; Spring 2021 Mystery School. All the secret contacts of the past and new contacts of the present and future have vastly expanded our exclusive techniques of magic. As indicated in the previous chapter, seven were the degrees usually reckoned, the first three comprising the Lesser Mysteries. A single truth, woven through all traditions, unveils a journey of interior integration. Disciples, messengers, went forth and inaugurated esoteric colleges, universities of the soul, special training centers for the select purpose of gathering into them the choicest men and women for discipline and instruction in the mysteries of nature. The Golden Dawn Ancient Mystery School (Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn) is fully committed to helping those who are serious about living a remarkable life of magic. All of our Orders are historically accurate, either meticulously and painstaking researched over at least a dozen years, or with traceable lineage which stretches back over centuries. Part II: Spring TBA. You will need to purchase some textbooks, most of which you can see in our Esoteric Mystery School Books & Supplies. The Golden Dawn Ancient Mystery School (Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn) is fully committed to helping those who are serious about living a remarkable life of magic. All of the students of such a school or Order are possible “channels” for the contacted information. We remain the only Order that continues to provide long distance initiations where no Golden Dawn temple is nearby. 120 likes. We were hidden during twenty centuries and we are now returning once again to the street carrying on our shoulders the old, rough and heavy cross. Originally founded in 1888 by the late, S.L. The Modern Mystery School is the only school open to the public. This is seriously advanced spiritual training. where the good way lies; and walk in it… find rest for your souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16). We are not improvising opportunist doctrines. We can imagine the Mystery Schools throughout history and pre-history as being institutions of esoteric initiation, founded by different Ascended Masters who have used these schools around the world through various time periods in order to aid those in search of enlightenment and ascension beyond the physical form. lessons about stuff you already know. so that you can sign the pledge/affidavit promising to only use the teachings you are about to receive for the betterment of humanity. WHAT IS HELIOS? If you are sick and tired of all the wasted time going through piles of useless information, paying tons of money for offer and offer on the internet, and you sincerely seek the light of true magic and hidden wisdom and power, then you are at the right place. You usually only need one book at a time, and many are available at public libraries. The teachings from the mystery schools are referred to as wisdom, enlightenment, and esoteric teachings and have been shared through many ages of humanity. Paul took our doctrine to Rome and he was a Nazarene Gnostic. We were the mystical Essenes of Palestine. Notice: New members are currently being accepted. STOP! Find a Certified Guide, Teacher or Practitioner today! Magic knowledge did not end in the 1900’s with S.L. This will include interactive courses in Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Kabbalah, Platonism and Taoism. Also on the list, you can talk to other Initiates, other seekers, the instructors, or guest speakers. (…OUT). In 9 Life Altering Lessons: Secrets of the Mystery School Unveiled, esoteric teacher Kala Ambrose brings some of the most … While much of the corpus of information is of interest to the historian or casual magician, much of it lacks the ancient inner secrets and hidden subtleties that cause ironclad magic to work effectively and almost instantly. You will learn how to maximize the power of the Law of Attraction in your life. We have none of that here, and are diligent in keeping it out. The same knowledge studied at the ancient mystery schools or in modern mystery schools today, can be given to an Initiate all in one night—in a dream or a vision for example. What does “contacted” mean? We strongly believe that your own genetic memory will lead you to the teachings you need. The Tree of life is based around ten Sephiroth, or spheres. If you are on a tight budget, don’t buy any books until your instructor tells you exactly which ones you will need for your specific course of study. While these topics have traditionally been shrouded by the “cloak and dagger” mentality, we offer these materials in a straightforward, no-nonsense style. Astara is one of the first true mystery schools to be reestablished since their eclipse centuries ago. For over 4,000 years, the ancient Egyptian mystery schools have been seen as the ultimate in secret wisdom and knowledge. Esoteric schools of thought are schools, currents or movements which have an occult system of thought based on esoteric knowledge.They aid to prepare the individual toward spiritual evolution.It almost always deals with some system of esoteric cosmology and contain some common themes as rebirth, occult history of human evolution, planes of existence, and … The Rocky Mountain Esoteric School is a dream fulfilled, and presents a modern format for Master to instruct students around the world in a comfortable class setting. We are a virtual school, which means we don’t teach at any particular physical location and our primary goal is to produce applicable magical and shamanic instruction. We now once again open to the ancient Gnostic Sanctuaries which were closed upon the arrival of the dark age. Our Order provides the sincere seeker the opportunity to become part of a worldwide fraternity with Golden Dawn temples, sanctuaries and study groups throughout the US, Canada and Europe. It’s time to evolve upward! The Esoteric Mystery School also covers material that many of the stuffy out-dated ceremonial Orders didn’t know about when they were founded. Poor blind sots. We were hidden during twenty centuries and we are now returning once again to the street carrying on our shoulders the old, rough and heavy cross. They don’t care about lineage or who is famous, or has a pedigree. spending all your money on books and all your time on the Internet looking for the secrets that, JOIN THE GOLDEN DAWN ANCIENT MYSTERY SCHOOL. Family Discount: The $25 monthly dues covers membership for the first adult, and it is $10 extra for the second. Our Order only works with a limited number of students at any given time. The Egyptian and Aztec Mysteries, the Mysteries of Rome, Troy, Carthage, of Eleusis, India, of the Druids, Pythagoreans, Kambirs, of Mithra and Persia, etc. Our mission is to create peace on Earth by uplifting the hearts and minds of humanity. Certain darker Orders and Lodges enjoy flirting with the disastrous side of the universe. History is full of examples of esoteric mages who suddenly show up and start teaching without so-called lineage, without a teacher. Some esotericists believe that “those who have gone before” watch over and guide the living students. Paul took our doctrine to Rome and he was a Nazarene Gnostic. Many think of them as Angel guides or spirit guides. You may climb the initiation ladder of the ancient mystery schools without ever going to a lodge or submitting yourself to long, expensive, too easy, (often boring!) We include teachings many of the mystery schools and lodges purposely leave out. Over the last 100 years several books have been written on the history and workings of the Golden Dawn. The goal is to feel happy and whole and prepared to flow with the demands of our modern world. It is a sober duty. You will attract happiness, success, wealth and an abundance. Only the serious need apply. Just by being here you are taking the first step into the light. is a true Mystery School; an international, non- profit, teaching and training Order and an outer vehicle of the Inner Spiritual Hierarchy, sometimes called the Inner School, which guides the evolution of Man. We are now opening the authentic Initiatic Colleges.”. This is how announcements are made regarding upcoming activities, group rituals, and new classes. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited. They care about who will use the teachings properly, positively, to actually get something done for mankind. The words \"esoteric\" and \" occult\" signify \" that which is hidden\"; they indicate that which lies behind the outer seeming and point to the causes which produce appearance and effects; they are concerned with the subtler world of energies and forces which all outer forms veil and hide. That may be nature’s way of dealing with cosmic evil—just waiting for it to consume itself. There is no “owner.” Dues are collected from members to cover materials, internet, website and record-keeping expenses. A school of the Western Mystery Tradition tracing its modern day roots to Dion Fortune of the Golden Dawn and, later of her own: Society of the Inner Light. Some of the core features will include: University Level, integrated Learning Management System Comprehensive curriculum independent to subject the Esoteric Mystery Schools of All Ages The Ancient Mystery Schools And Esoteric Spiritual Orders span from pre-dynastic Egypt all the way to Renaissance Rosecrucianism and into the modern Hermetic Golden Dawn. The Egyptian and Aztec Mysteries, the Mysteries of Rome, Troy, Carthage, of Eleusis, India, of the Druids, Pythagoreans, Kambirs, of Mithra and Persia, etc. These 7 are located in North America, England, Romania, Australia, Japan, Tibet and Africa. *It is important to note that Occult means “hidden.” An occultist is a “seeker of the hidden knowledge.” Occult is not a word meaning black magic, as some detractors of the mystery schools claim.

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